950SG Series Therml=Block Window Wall system
Best Framing System or Component
By Tubelite
Tubelite describes its 950SG Series Therml=Block Window Wall system as providing “the look of curtain wall with the economy of slab-to-slab framing in mid- to high-rise commercial buildings.” This year’s winner for “Best Framing System or Component,” the product offers a four-side, structural sealant glazed window wall that provides a thermally broken, aluminum framing solution for between-slab horizontal spans on commercial buildings.
Beyond aesthetics, the 950SG offers performance criteria: a U-factor of up to 0.33 and a frame condensation resistance factor of 82 per AAMA 1503. The system also meets acoustic, air, water and structural performance standards.
Tubelite’s new window wall also aims to reduce installation time. With fewer parts and steps, the systems are installed entirely from the building’s interior. A vertical, extruded silicone gasket eliminates the need for an exterior-applied wet seal, and a single-piece, anti-buckling clip simplifies installation.