Glass Magazine, the official publication of the National Glass Association and an official publication of GlassBuild America: The Glass, Window & Door Expo, delivers complete coverage of the architectural glass and metals industry to glazing contractors, full-service glass companies, fabricators, manufacturers and architects.
As the “Glass and Glazing Authority,” Glass Magazine provides essential insight into industry trends, new product introductions, and news and market intel for every market segment through eight annual print issues, the Glass Magazine Weekly newsletter, exclusive online-only content and more. Glass Magazine is dedicated to providing the industry with unbiased, relevant content to help companies across the supply chain build more profitable businesses.
Ongoing Submissions for Online Content
We welcome information from companies and their representatives about new products, project/case studies or success stories, company and personnel news, and industry event and meeting announcements throughout the year.
Submit your press release to Norah Dick, senior editor, Glass Magazine, along with any photos or video. Select online items may also appear in print. We edit press releases for length, style and clarity.
Article & blog submissions—print & online
We welcome submissions of both articles, which appear in our print and online issues, and blogs, which appear online first and may appear in print. While our editorial calendar provides a list of topics to consider, we value your expertise and welcome submissions on any relevant industry-related topic. Fresh perspectives and diverse voices help to inform and to educate our readers.
If any of our editorial topics resonate with you, please send article pitches directly to Senior Editor Norah Dick and Managing Editor Tara Lukasik after reviewing the editorial calendar, full editorial guidelines, submission requirements and FAQs.
Glass Magazine's 2025 Editorial Calendar
January/February — Annual Glass & Metals Forecast
- Preparing for the year ahead with insight from leading construction economists
- Special coverage: World of Glass update
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due October 28, 2024.
March — Annual Architect’s Issue
- Trends in glass, glazing and metal solutions for next-level performance
- Special Coverage: Emerging technologies, high-performance metal solutions, sustainability trends
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due December 12, 2024.
April — Annual Top Glass Fabricators Report
- Leading fabricators deliver high-performance products
- Special Coverage: Decorative and interior glass
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due January 22, 2025.
July/August — Annual Top 50 Glaziers
- U.S. glazier market statistics, trends and project features
- Special Coverage: Protective glazing, safety and well-being
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due April 29, 2025.
September — Innovation Issue
- Exploring glass, glazing and fabrication technologies for the future
- Special Coverage: Glass Magazine Awards, trending equipment software
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due June 25, 2025.
October — GlassBuild America Issue
- Exclusive look at the event and exhibitor product preview
- Special Coverage: State of the industry
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due July 22, 2025.
November/December — Trends in Metals Systems Issue
- What’s trending in metal framing and components
- Special Coverage: Glass handling equipment and transportation, emerging technology
- Materials (editorial & supporting images) due September 10, 2025.
Editorial Guidelines
Please make sure your article, column or blog follows our guidelines before sharing.
Glass Magazine is dedicated to exploring What's Trending and What's Next in the architectural glass and metals industry. Our readers are knowledgeable and informed subject matter experts and decision makers. They know their stuff—we don't publish articles that assume they don't.
We pass on the fluff and marketese.
Our goal is to educate people about new or lesser known aspects of the industry and to help companies across the supply chain build more profitable businesses. We look for insightful and thought-provoking content, and avoid articles that are self-promotional or contain overly promotional language, or marketese. While we ask you not to promote a specific product or business within your submitted content, you can certainly discuss companies, products and systems as part of your topic.
Our editorial team reviews submissions to ensure quality content without promotional material or intent, and we strive to keep the author's voice intact. (We do allow authors/companies to promote themselves via case study references, a single product mention, or images and captions.)
Write as if you are talking to one of your peers.
We ask authors to keep the tone informal and speak directly to the audience by creating a mutual dialogue or telling a compelling story. Your content should be interesting and provide real value with useful, actionable takeaways so readers can put what they learn into practice. Select specific topics within your area of expertise that you feel comfortable writing on, and for the audience you want to write toward. Feel free to write about technical topics. Try to avoid slang and provide context when describing hypothetical scenarios.
We're all about HI.
While we are interested in covering artificial intelligence, or AI, in how it relates to our industry, we're looking for authentic, non-AI-generated pieces. Share your Human Intelligence with us through your unique opinions, anecdotes and insights.
All articles submitted to Glass Magazine must be original content that has not been published elsewhere (print or electronic).
Ready to submit? We require the following items to accompany your article, column or blog.
Recommended Word Count
Columns for the print version of Glass Magazine: 500-800 words
Blogs for GlassMagazine.com: 300-500 words
Preferred Format
Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Please do not send PDF article files.
Visual Elements
Keep submissions relevant to the editorial content, and supply corresponding captions and proper credit or copyright. Send image files separately; do not embed images within the content document as this reduces the image quality.
- Photos — High-quality, high-resolution (at least 300 dpi, 4 by 5 inches / 1200 by 1500 pixels, 1 MB file size), suitable to run in print, if needed. JPG or PNG format.
- Graphics — High-resolution tables, graphs, charts, and line art or illustrations must be 300 dpi, with a descriptive title and explanations below charts and drawings. Some graphics may be reformatted by our design staff for inclusion in the print magazine and online.
- Videos — Should be no longer than 5 minutes in length, and posted on an open, shareable platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo. Clearly indicate the full URL for the video without relying on hyperlinks.
Note: Source AI-generated images by using an image number and source (e.g., Image 1: Image generated using Adobe Firefly from prompt, glass high-rise building with refracted blue light.).
Note: Photos for front cover consideration of the print magazine must be 8 by 12 inches/2400 by 3600 pixels at 300 dpi.
Contributor FAQs
Glass Magazine, an official publication of the National Glass Association, retains the copyright for all submitted articles. Articles may appear in Glass Magazine, on GlassMagazine.com and in the Glass Magazine Weekly digital newsletter. Contributors may post an abridged version of the article on their own personal websites and social media feeds, with proper attribution to Glass Magazine, and a backlink to either the original online version of the article or the issue of Glass Magazine in which the article appeared.
An example: This article first appeared in Glass Magazine, a publication of the National Glass Association. Read the original published version [here].
NGA has several content-sharing agreements with some amazing partners such as the American Institute of Architects, and industry publications such as Facade Focus newsletter, so your piece may be shared after publication. By collaborating with us, you agree to have your piece potentially appear with any of our working partners.
Additionally, by submitting image files, you are confirming that Glass Magazine and the National Glass Association have the right to re-purpose photos and other media content for editorial and marketing use.
Upon publication, articles may appear in Glass Magazine, on GlassMagazine.com and in the Glass Magazine Weekly digital newsletter, as well as through our social media networks. We ask all contributors to join us in celebrating by sharing your piece far and wide on your personal or organization’s social media pages. Please tag us @GlassMag (X), @glassmagazinenga (Facebook, Instagram, Threads) or use #GlassMagazine.
Please be advised that we do not provide or share analytics/metrics for blogs and articles.
Our editorial process includes several rounds of revisions and review of editorial submissions by our editorial team to ensure quality content before publication. Once submitted, we generally don't allow review of editorial editing unless questions or significant revisions require communication with the author. We reserve the right to alter the structure and title of your article. If we make any changes, it’s because we believe the edited version will help your ideas better reach the audience they deserve.
Unlike the print magazine, which has fixed deadlines, our magazine blog is a platform for you to connect with our audience whenever inspiration strikes. Always open for submissions, we review blog posts as received, and if accepted by our editorial team, publish them as soon as possible.
Depending on the topic and quality, select blog posts may also appear in the print version of Glass Magazine.
We receive more submissions than we can publish and often have to decline articles when our calendar is full. We also may decline articles due to time limitations or similarity to other work we have published. We encourage you to try again with other ideas if we have declined a previous submission.
First-time contributors should submit a brief biography (100 words or less) and a high-resolution, head-and-shoulder shot at the time of submission. You may include contact information such as a company email and/or phone number.
- We do not repeat topics and all submissions must be original. To see if a topic has been covered in Glass Magazine, type a key word into the search bar on GlassMagazine.com and see what the results yield.
- Our readers crave the latest research and data-based information on glass, glazing and fabrication. As a potential contributor, we encourage you to verify all facts in your piece before submitting it, as well as to include links to referenced information and resources that might benefit our readers.
- Skimmability is important for busy readers and for SEO-optimization, so consider including a headline/title, deck/summary and short sub-headers to break up the copy for easier reading where appropriate. Incorporate SEO keywords gracefully—no more than three or four times in a 300-500 word article.
- Finally, a short list of three to five key takeaways from the article is helpful; we use this list in teasers for social media promotion and in our Glass Magazine Weekly newsletter.
Annual Submission Opportunities for Companies
Glass Magazine's annual awards and top company lists have limited submission windows that are posted on the homepage and in our free electronic newsletter, Glass Magazine Weekly. These lists appear in print and online, and we invite submissions from companies and their representatives.
Learn More About Annual Programs
- Top Glass Fabricators. A comprehensive view of the North American glass fabrication market. Members of the list appear on the Top Glass Fabricator map.
- Top 50 Glaziers. The Top 50 Glaziers issue features the highest-earning contract glaziers, and includes glazier profiles, industry statistics, project spotlights and more.
- Glass Magazine Awards. This prestigious awards program recognizes stand-out glass and glazing product and project innovations.
- GlassBuild America: The Glass, Window & Door Expo. An exclusive opportunity for GlassBuild America's exhibitors to appear in the GlassBuild America preview issue, featuring products that appear in the GlassBuild America Product Showcase.
Questions about one of these programs? Contact Norah Dick, senior editor, Glass Magazine.