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Best Framing System or Component

glazing framing system

Trifab VersaGlaze 601/601T/601UT Front Set Framing System

Winning company: Kawneer

  • 3 thermal performance options
  • 2 glass performance options
  • Accommodates 6-foot glass spans

Kawneer’s 3-in-1 series includes three curtain wall systems: the non-thermal Trifab 601, the single thermal break Trifab 601T and the dual thermal break Trifab 601UT. The series now also offers a choice of front and center glass plane applications. The framing system series has a 6-inch depth, which accommodates higher spans than conventional 4-1/2-inch storefront framing systems, says Donnie Hunter, director, global product management, Kawneer.

The greater system depth, combined with three thermal performance options and two glass plane options, makes this a highly versatile framing system, says Hunter, bridging the gap between traditional framing systems and low-rise curtain walls. The Front Set Framing System employs screw spline, shear block and stick joinery construction for efficient fabrication and installation; structural silicone glazing options allow for a greater range of design possibilities.

This system meets several performance test standards: ASTM E283 Air Performance, ASTM E331 Water Performance, ASTM E330 Uniform Static Structural; AAMA 1801 and in accordance with ASTM E1425 Sound Transmission Class, AAMA 1503 and CAN/CSA-A440 Condensation Resistance, AAMA1503.1 Thermal Transmittance, and AAMA507; NFRC 100, NFRS 200, NFRC 500 and CAN/CSA-A440.2 U-Value Simulations for Other Glazing Options.


Norah Dick

Norah Dick

Norah Dick is the editor for Glass Magazine. She can be reached at