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New Pod, Jobsites, Careers, and the "Deathstar"

The 10th episode of the From the Fabricator podcast is now out! This one features guests that aren’t usually in the typical industry spotlight, but they all have some great messages and insights to share.

  • I start off with Gantt and Woody Miller of Winco Window. Company is more than 100 years old and it’s in a constant state of growth and innovation. Was a fun dive into where they came from and where they are going!
  • Next was Emily Yukish of Specified Systems. You know me, I am determined to spotlight more of our younger stars in this industry and Emily fits that bill. Emily is doing it the right way and Specified is an impressive operation.
  • Last, I chat with Ron Parker. Ron is the best independent operations guru in our industry. His takes on safety, systems and structure were an absolute masterclass. Every fabrication plant could gain from Ron’s insights.

Ten episodes are in the books now, and I feel like each month I/we gain knowledge and growth from these guests. More good things to come here, so thank you again for supporting this effort. It is valued and appreciated!

Video Version

Audio Version 


Careers in Construction Month

You are seeing it quite a bit online, and in the trades, but this month is Careers in Construction Month. I think all of us pushing this is more crucial than ever. We have all seen that it’s gotten even harder to attract folks to our awesome world, so time for those of us in it to step up and help this cause. As a part of this effort, Glass Magazine asked for Glaziers to send in your selfies on the job― they’ll take pictures and/or video. See this link for more and these will be featured on all of the powerful platforms of Glass Magazine and the National Glass Association. If you are reading this and you’re not in the field, ask your teammates to do it; let’s grow our world and show it off!!

 In addition, Jenni Chase of the NGA had a great personal take on all of this and what else you can do to get involved.

Academy Museum of Motion PIctures

Had to laugh on this one―the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is open and it seriously looks like the Deathstar from Star Wars. It’s a heck of a design but being tagged “deathstar” is probably not making people very happy. Regardless, this story gives a deep review of this project along with some of the frustrations with its mission. Good read.

On-Site Visits

Last this week, I was lucky enough to accompany Brian Thomas of Super Sky and Joe Lucchese of JML Architectural Products on a couple of project site visits in Detroit recently. That was a tremendous experience, the first on-site visits for me in a long time. When these projects are done, they will be stunners for sure.

I have noted on here previously that Super Sky always blows me away, so seeing their product as it was being installed gave me even more appreciation. It was also neat to see Detroit working to build up parts of its city and also cool to see Viracon and Quaker Window products being installed along the way on these jobs. Looking good folks! And I must add that it was great to get to know Joe―I love seeing high quality manufacturers reps deeply involved and engaged in the nitty gritty out there. Good stuff!

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.