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2021 Prediction Review: How did I do?

My tradition is always on the second post of the year to review my predictions from the previous year and grade how they turned out. I am never always right or always wrong and looks like 2021 stayed in track with that. Next week my official predictions for 2022 will be out. But until then, lets grade out 2021.


"Glass is going to be the big winner post COVID-19."

I’d say this is a “no,” but I think I was just too early in the prediction as all indications still point to glass being dominant once any sort of normalcy returns. I continue to underestimate the legs of this pandemic.

"2021 wiil be a “Donut” year: a hole in the middle and then solid."

Get ready for a roller coaster ride. This was a “Yes,” and an adventurous ride it was. 2022 is shaping up to be a nice recovery especially for those that spent way too much time in the center of the donut.

"Protective Glass is absolutely in style now."

I’m going “yes” here. New players into the market with the biggest news of the world being that the Isoclima brand is now in the North American market with the acquisition of Global Security and Dlubak. Plus, strong debuts from companies like Thompson IG and Ballistic Glass and Armor Solutions (BGAS) really made an impact. More innovations here and a ton of additional specifications. This only scratched the surface in 2021 too. 

"Automation―real automation―growth will continue, along with software growth."

I am going with a “no” here as there wasn’t a big enough push into automation, but that also may be delayed given some fully automated systems are out two years lead time wise. This is still an area to watch, and I love the software space too. Big year last year for folks like BidClips (led by the amazing Jim Evans) FeneTech (with a big deal to continue their roll) and the good folks at SPIL who are growing in North America nicely. More to come, I am sure.

"Emergence of high performance code busters."

This is an absolute “Yes” with VIG hitting the jackpot, led by Michael Spellman and VIG Technologies connecting with Vitro. Plus, another major VIG startup is making waves, too, meaning that world is here to stay.

We also saw the great people from Ubiquitous Energy arrive on the scene and really step to the plate with game changing transparent solar technology. That is huge. And not to be downplayed at all but Sage and Halio (with a big connection with Viracon) boosted the dynamic space nicely.

I count at three wins, two losses, but those losers were close… Bottom line is I do like some of the directions we are going in, and the positive effect it is going to have on our world. 


Glass Expo Southeast

This past week I was at the Glass Expo Southeast and it was fantastic. Kudos to the organizers there as this event was first class and it came off extremely busy and well. Great way to start the year to see some excellent companies and people and everyone fired up for a great 2022!

Some key takeaways:

  • It was tremendous to see super rep duo Tony and Kristen Kasprzak. They were hustling the show on their anniversary no less, so romantic right? 
  • Speaking of reps, my pal Jeff Ziesche was holding down a very busy FHC stand―always love visiting with him. 
  • Speaking of busy, the Virginia Glass duo of James Wright and Jeremy Hoy were so busy, I barely got a chance to say hi. 
  • Also swamped? Jay Campbell of Billco, but he always makes time for me, and if I end up in Germany later this year, he’ll probably bail me out there again like he did a few years ago. (At least I hope he does!) 

I was super impressed with Michele Welch and her company Illustrated Interiors. She specializes in shop drawings for all glass entrances and just a super setup and service offering. Loved meeting her and seeing the work. Good stuff!

Always cool to run into people in new places like Andy Amitrano, who I knew from his days of being one of the forces in the Colorado glazing community and now is doing his awesome work in Orlando at Architectural Aluminum Techniques. Cass Buczek was a guy I worked with way back in my past in Michigan, and now he has really settled in nicely at this gig with a great company in Banner Solutions.

I am a fan of what the NACC is doing and they are on a huge roll right now, so it was cool to be able to congratulate Jeff Dalaba and Ben Beeler in person on continued jobs well done!

Old friends like Gus Trupiano of GGI and Scott Goodman of CRL never fail to bring a smile to my face. Class Acts!

I don’t think I ever met Barry Wood of the legendary Wood’s Powr-Grip brand so that was very nice and same with getting to chat with Shaun Gustafson of ClearShield Technologies. I’ve always seen their names and know their brands so getting a chance to meet was super. Meeting Jason Rodgers of G+ and him noting he was a reader of the blog and listener to the podcast was pretty cool for me. 

Last, the booth was jammed mostly because icons like Andrew Haring and Melanie Dettmer were holding court. (Those two just have me in awe) Amazing how they just rock and roll at events like this and add real spirit to our world. Plus, the absolute thirst for education from the audience really made the day(s). People want and need to learn more, and it was obvious at this event that applications like MyGlassClass are perfect to fill that request.

Register for BEC and GPAD

BEC and GPAD are now open for registration! So excited about these events. I think most of you know about BEC, the ultimate networking hub for the glazing community. But GPAD is a great one too and its education is geared towards the glass fabricator. If you are looking for equipment or software to improve your operation (and I assume you should be) then you need to be in Nashville for GPAD. The best in the world will be on hand pitching the latest and great efficiencies for the plant floor. If you need more info or insight on this, please just hit me up.

Super Bowl predictions 

Last this week, my annual Super Bowl pick. In my article with Katy Devlin, I picked the Ravens, and I loved them to win it until they seemingly lost every game possible down the stretch.

So now, as of this posting, they are not even in the playoffs, so I need to pick a new winner. Here it is. I am going with the Rams over the Titans, though I would love to see a Buccaneer/Patriot final for the storyline (Brady versus his old coach and team) and to see the Daubmann family have to split their allegiances between their two favorite teams…

Links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.