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Carl Tompkins

Carl Tompkins headshot

Carl Tompkins is national flat glass sales manager for Sika Corp.,, and the author of the book “Winning at Business.” He can be reached at tompkins.carl@sika-corp.comOpinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.

Build Better Partnerships

Partnerships result in a well-defined relationship between people that involves close cooperation, defined roles and responsibilities, and rights for all parties involved. Partnerships stand for two or more people being mutually bound together, working to achieve a common goal, through both the…

Diagnosing a Bad Business Culture

“Business cultures eat business strategies for breakfast!” I heard this quote from a business consultant during a recent meeting. So often, organizations will adopt a new strategy only to quickly abandon it if goals aren’t met. The truth of the situation is that the strategy wasn’t properly…

The Last Dynamite Company

I once heard a business consultant tell the story of the last dynamite company. When dynamite was surpassed by newer explosives that were lighter, safer and more powerful, all but one dynamite manufacturer left the market. The last dynamite company served as the sole supplier of the explosive with…

For Radical Results, Shake Things Up

I recall a glass association banquet back in the late ‘90s when, at the end of the event, door prizes were awarded to winners whose tickets were drawn from a large box. During the drawing, a few gentlemen I was sitting with became agitated that no one at our table was winning anything and that…

10 Most Common Problems in the Workplace

My recent column addressed the importance of employee development and identified the 10 most common problems in the work environment that hinder that development and a company’s overall success. This column presents those 10 problems and provides solutions to each. 1. Inadequate job…

Reinvest in Employee Development and Work Environment

I recently returned to the auto dealership where I bought a pickup truck 17 years ago, motivated by the great initial experience. Sadly, my most recent experience was terrible. The salesperson took my order for the truck and then moved to California without telling anyone. No one called from the…

Tips for Transparency

Management and ownership transparency improves operations, boosts employee satisfaction and provides an enormous amount of good for the bottom line. A survey conducted by the TINYpulse Company of over 40,000 employees from multiple industries found that transparency represents the leading factor…