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Derek McCowan

McCowan is a senior engineer at the Waltham, Mass., office of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., 781/907-9000,; Brown is a senior project manager in the New York office, 212/271-2000,; and Louis is a principal in the Waltham office, 781/907-9000, Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.

Curtain wall problems

Third in a series Glass-and-metal curtain walls can provide an attractive, durable and cost-effective cladding solution, but in many buildings, they are plagued with problems ranging from air and water leakage to falling trim covers. The first two articles in this series—on Page 82 of April Glass…

Curtain-wall designs

Second in a series Glass-and-metal curtain walls can provide an attractive, durable and cost-effective cladding solution, but in many buildings, these wall systems are plagued with problems ranging from air and water leakage to falling trim covers. The first article on page 82 of April Glass…