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Navigating the Future of Bird-friendly Glass

Key developments in bird-friendly glass, including new legislation, cutting-edge technologies and application strategies.

Navigating Bird-Friendly Legislation

As part of its Thirsty Thursday webinar series, National Glass Association code consultant Nick Resetar, Roetzel & Andress, shared updates on existing American and Canadian legislation and ordinances to help navigate the rules around bird-friendly glazing during his “Navigate Legislation for…

Protecting Wildlife with Glass

The glass industry steps up to protect animals with architectural glass solutions.

5 Decorative Glass Trends to Watch

New design trends in the decorative glass market call for larger sizes, custom designs, vibrant colors, new inks, multi-functional products and more. Successful glass fabricators keep a close watch on emerging trends, track relevant changes in codes and standards, and implement factory best…

Let’s Write a New Story About Bird-Glass Collisions

The glass industry has faced growing scrutiny in recent years over bird deaths caused by collisions with glass façades. Most in our industry know that those collisions could have been prevented through bird-friendly design and product solutions. Word of these solutions has yet to reach…