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Jason Grafton-Holt

Double Glazing Blogger (DGB) was created on March 10, 2009 as a place to air my views, opinions and frustrations on the UK fenestration market. Working within the industry in my family-run window and door installation company, I get a unique insight into how the industry works, especially the installations area. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.

I’ve Worn A Mask At Work For A Week, And I Actually Prefer It

For the appointments I’ve been on so far, I have worn a mask when with the customer. And it has been absolutely fine. No dramas at all. Some have decided to wear masks when speaking with me as well, which is also absolutely fine.

10 Tips for Installers During the Coronavirus Crisis

While we are all at home, keep your company in the spotlight and keep people interested in windows and doors. Winning orders is perfectly possible, even though installation is unlikely to take place for a number of months.