National manufacturer Crystal Window & Door Systems has engaged trucking company JB Hunt to provide dedicated logistics services, supplementing Crystal’s fleet for major customer deliveries and shipments between Crystal production facilities.
How it will work
Crystal’s new long-term service with a JB Hunt Dedicated fleet is comprised of six drivers and 12 tractor-trailers, based on analysis of Crystal’s current and projected trucking needs. The fleet has set delivery schedules and routes and is exclusively assigned to Crystal. All drivers are trained in proper packing and handling of Crystal products, shipping procedures, and documentation. The JB Hunt fleet is 100% DOT compliant, with the latest safety and AI technology available in every tractor-trailer. A dedicated JB Hunt account manager ensures efficient and effective communications with Crystal and reviews critical performance measures regularly to optimize and adjust service.
JB Hunt is building new trailers that will be labeled with the Crystal logo and product photos. In the meantime, Crystal products and materials are moved long-distance with the familiar JB Hunt Dedicated logo. Crystal’s own fleet of box trucks and tractor-trailers will continue to service regional and local trucking needs around the New York metro area, northeastern Pennsylvania, the Chicago metro area, and southern California regions.
Why it was needed
With increased supply chain and transportation costs over the past few years, Crystal began exploring options to better control costs for its nationwide production operation. With five production facilities and customers in almost every state, Crystal needed to manage moving some work-in-progress materials between its factories as well as deliveries to customer locations and jobsites.
What Crystal says
“We are excited to work with JB Hunt Dedicated to enhance our delivery service,” says Lester Hong, operations manager, Crystal Production. “This relationship means we can speed customer deliveries and provide greater on-site customer service, with more logistics flexibility to control costs.”
“JB Hunt’s dedicated fleet allows Crystal to improve logistics and manage costs throughout our system without having to purchase, maintain, insure and staff more vehicles on our own,” says Hong. “We get real-time data on all our deliveries as well as costs for shipping so we can adjust quickly. Our customers view JB Hunt drivers as Crystal representatives, since the JB Hunt drivers have set regular routes, and they are familiar with Crystal customers and their operations.”