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Highlighting the NGA Installing Committee Meeting at BEC 2025: Value Engineering, Division 10 and More

NGA Installing Committee

The 2025 Building Envelope Contractors Conference kicked off March 3 from the National Glass Association kicked off with a meeting of the NGA Installing Committee. About 200 glass and glazing industry representatives were in attendance for the meeting that addressed topics from glazier training to Division 10 to Value Engineering. Read more news from the event.

Updates from the NGA Installing Committee:

  • Work continues on the Value Engineering Task Group, where the group is surveying industry to understand when value-engineering of glass is occurring on projects and will continue by identifying ways of educating architects and owners to reduce VE of glass products. “How do we educate in a way that demonstrates the added value of glass?” asks task group chair, Rob Carlson of Tristar Glass.
  • A new task group aims to address Division 10 challenges. Developed at the previous meeting of the Installing Committee in Fall 2024, the Division 10 task group is looking at the ways glaziers are affected by interior glass products classified as Division 10 in specifications.
  • The group also discussed activities from the Frameless Shower Enclosure Task Group, including a recently released flyer for consumers setting performance expectations. Next up is a design guide for architects.
  • A task group is finalizing work on an industry manual on Design Build vs Design Assist vs Delegated Design.
  • The committee is also moving forward with a project to address common Division 8 specification issues, working in cooperation with Deltek.

To learn more about ongoing activities in the NGA Installing Committee and to get involved, contact the NGA Advocacy and Technical team.