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Smart Glazier Software's Smart Toolbox Transitions to Smart Glazier Business

Smart Glazier Software announced that its core Smart Toolbox product is undergoing a rebrand and will be known as Smart Glazier Business. The change will take place on August 1.

About the software

Smart Toolbox is an all-in-one glass project management system for glaziers, streamlining workflow from estimating and quoting to scheduling, invoicing and reporting. Designed specifically for glass shops and glaziers, it offers easy access to job information, pricing, scheduling, invoicing and online payments.

What the company says

"Smart Toolbox is designed to run glass businesses, and we feel that renaming the product to Smart Glazier Business will better represent what it offers to glaziers," say company officials. "Smart Toolbox has had many updates and features added over the last few years, and we have plenty more to come in future."