ADVERTISEMENT Salem Fabrication Supplies is a longtime trusted partner of Wood's Powr-Grip™. We stock a broad range of hand-held vacuum cups, vacuum mounting cups and below-the-hook vacuum lifters to make material handling easier –including the Quadra-Tilt™ Rotator 1400.
WE ARE SAFETY. The Quadra-Tilt™ Rotator 1400 features a Dual Vacuum System with two independent air-line circuits to reduce risk of workplace accidents.
WE ARE EFFICIENCY. The Quadra-Tilt™ design enables a single operator to easily move loads between upright and flat positions.
WE ARE PRODUCTIVITY. State-of-the-art Intelli-Grip™ technology, a Wood’s Powr-Grip™ exclusive, oversees power and vacuum systems on the Quadra-Tilt™, increasing productivity and improving safety.
WE ARE SALEM. Whether your application requires standard or custom designs, let Salem and Wood's Powr-Grip™ put our expertise to work for you! Contact Salem today to learn more about our full lines of Material Handling Equipment. GO BEYOND THE EDGE.
800.234.1982 | info@salemftg.com | www.SalemFTG.com
Salem Fabrication Supplies is a division of Salem Fabrication Technologies Group, Inc.
We Are 100% Employee Owned.