3 Steps to Making Purchases
How to find the solutions, and vendors, you're looking for

You have enough knowledge at the tips of your fingers to research and determine what products likely best fit your need. The day of door to door sales are dead and with the rampant automatic phone marketing direct calling might by dying too. Not sure about you, but I won’t pick-up a number I don’t know…my car warranty isn’t expired, I have 25 years to qualify for Medicare, and my student loans are paid.
The point; finding products is easy, finding the right solution is not. With the major glass shows right around the corner, let’s talk about how to find the right solutions for you. Follow 3 simple points and you’ll be sure your next purchase is one you won’t regret.
1. Find the right partner, and vet them first
First and foremost, finding the right partner makes all the difference in the world. Choosing the right partner may be the difference between going back to the drawing board and starting over or fostering a long-term relationship you can rely on.
You’re looking for a partner with integrity, honesty, and a reputation that backs those traits. You’ll need a partner with excellent service, one you know will be there when you need them even if that is 7 p.m. on a Friday or during holiday. Problems inevitably occur; your partners service is how those are resolved.
As well, one of the best ways to see ones’ true colors is during a challenging time. Many are happy to court you for a sale, not everyone is there after the sale is completed and that is when the real work begins. While you’re cruising the show floor or speaking with vendors ahead of time, ask them directly, what is the after-the-sale service like? What types of challenges have they faced and how were they resolved? If they tell you there’s never been a challenge or problem, that’s a red flag.
If able, find references not coming from the vendor. If you cannot find any yourself ask the vendor for references where challenges were overcome. A great partner is going to be there when you need them and often defined by how challenges are handled.
2. Set reasonable expectations for purchases
You get what you pay for. There’s nothing wrong with that when expectations are set accordingly. So long as you have the right expectations, you’re not going to be left disappointed. In the world of vertical edging equipment, a $45,000 edger is not the same as a $100,000 edger, even though they may both be a 10-spindle vertical edger.
In this example, if you are shop edging 3-4 hours per week, there is likely more value in a lower priced solution. You’re not going to get in much trouble if the solution isn’t performing on demand. On the other side, if you’re a high-volume shop working two shifts with 8 hours per shift, there is a large penalty if your edger goes down and it is not a reasonable expectation the reliability of a $45,000-solution matches that of a $100,000-solution.
If you’ve found a partner with integrity, they will have no problem advising their solution may not be the right fit for your application. They will not only listen but actually hear you, allowing them to recommend a solution that better fits your need even when it is not their own.
3. To build trust, listen to your partners
If you’ve been honest with your expectations, and done the research to find a good partner, then you are well on your way to the third tip; building that relationship based on trust. Trust is a two-way street and it must go both ways to be successful.
While you can be armed with knowledge from your research, it helps to listen should a partner give advice. You’ve determined they’re reputable and working with integrity; if they have suggestions, listen. It doesn’t mean you have to take the advice, but you should understand why they’re making suggestions.
Trust is required to know they are considering your best interest not their own. At DeGorter we’re built on trust. We are not here to sell you anything; our job is to inform of the solutions we offer which fit your needs or to bring you solutions from others if we cannot meet your need. Without our partners’ trust, we have nothing to offer.
Social media shoutout
As always, let’s finish with our social tag, this time there are two. If you’re into glass and art, you must check out what Simon Berger is doing #simonberger.art . If you’re going to GlassBuild be sure to use hashtag #GlassBuild on Instagram before, during, and after the show so we can see what you’re up to.