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Pete de Gorter

Pete deGorter headshot

Pete de Gorter is vice president of DeGorter Inc. He can be reached at pete@degorter.comOpinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.

Why Robotics Aren't a One-Size-Fits-All Solution

Automation, after all, is being pushed as THE answer to problems large or small in all industries, right along with AI.  While these are powerful tools, utilizing them in the incorrect way will set you behind. By striking the right balance between automation and human involvement, fabricators can…

The Magic of Industry Events

In an age of digital communication, one might think that face-to-face interactions have lost their luster. However, industry events like GlassBuild prove otherwise. They remain a potent tool for businesses to showcase their prowess, forge new relationships, learn from industry veterans, and stay…

As Technology Rises, Does Our Happiness Fall?

Technology has provided countless benefits, but concerns about its impact on our health are growing. Oversaturation can lead to stress and an inability to unplug, which is unhelpful for work and for life.

A How-To Guide to Routine Maintenance

Maintenance should be a part of any production process. Routine maintenance can help manufacturers save money, ensure efficiency and safety, and avoid machine downtime. Here's a list of simple steps to follow for routine maintenance.

3 Steps to Making Purchases

While finding products is easy, finding the right solution is not. Follow three simple points to ensure your next purchase is one you won’t regret.

3 Steps to Making Purchases

Finding products is easy, finding the right solution is not. With the major glass shows right around the corner, let’s talk about how to find the right solutions for you. Follow 3 simple points and you’ll be sure your next purchase is one you won’t regret.

Can’t We All Get Along?

I’ve written about many things covering our industry over the years; our successes, our challenges and even our failures.  Today, let’s talk about something that affects the industry, and our lives in general.  We’re not exactly going political here, (I don’t have the same confidence as Keith…

4 Reasons to Book Your Glassbuild 2022 Trip Now

In-person events of all sizes are returning, and what does this mean? It means get ready for GlassBuild 2022. I want to give your four reasons why GlassBuild 2022 cannot be missed.

Are We Getting What We Pay For?

Today it feels like the only way to find people is through money and total compensation. How can we offer new hires substantially more than longstanding employees and expect not to sour feelings? How does your company address the necessity of financial compensation in the current labor market…

Mask or Not, the Show Must Go On!

Every day we are closer and closer to normal, at least a new form of normal. Masks are going down everywhere and with that Show Season is about to be in full swing. Let’s get pumped to get “Back to Business. Back to GlassBuild.”! Given my personal experience last month, and knowing how the NGA…

Continued Delays Impact More than Time

Delay after delay after delay. We’re paying more for worse service and it feels like there’s not much to do about it. Simply stated, delays are an opportunity you can’t fill immediately. How do we handle a delay with increased costs when we’re fixed on price?

Tears, Celebrations and Weather

Cheers to 2021, here’s to us getting through 2020 together! In fact, congratulations are deserved after last year; we did so many things we never thought we could, it should be celebrated.

2020 Year in Rearview

My final blog each year examines how far we’ve come in 12 months, and though 2020 might be one many don’t want to look back at, there is a lot to reflect on. Yes, Covid numbers around the globe are rising again. However, it is incredible how far we’ve come in 12 months; more than incredible, it is…

The Lite-r Side of the Glass Industry

Things are tense across the globe; we’re caught in the middle of a unique situation without a lot of guidance. It is imperative we move forward, remain positive and optimistic of what the future holds. 

Lessons from a Pandemic

There are many things to remain optimistic about and we will continue to do just that. The enormous momentum we came in with is allowing our industry to continue to support jobs and provide security during a time with many unknowns; we should all be thankful for this. 

2020 and Beyond

Before we blink and another year is over, now would be an appropriate time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we will be heading. Capital is moving, companies continue to invest, and it appears opportunity will continue to knock on our industry’s door. 

Instagram vs. Reality: Presenting Your Company Online

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” sounds great, and I’m not one for presumptions. However. If I am honest, I’m guilty. I judge some things positively, and others negatively, but I have noticed these days my judgement is routinely related to websites.

Glass Revolution

Hard to believe it is more than a quarter into 2019; time flies when you’re having fun. What is more fun than to think about where we can go in the next decade, and what we have to look forward to?Solar power I was thinking about this while traveling across the country recently. I couldn’t help…