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2020 and Beyond

2019 was another excellent year for glass so let’s look forward to carrying the momentum through 2020. But, before we blink and another year is over, now would be an appropriate time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we will be heading. Capital is moving, companies continue to invest, and it appears opportunity will continue to knock on our industry’s door. Yet it remains important to take the time to check off accomplishments, set the new targets and update the plans.


Time is moving rapidly through the first month of 2020. The Annual NGA conference came and went, show season is in already in action with the KBIS & CES shows already taken place, and it is past time to be thinking what you’re doing to be involved in 2020 before all the chances have passed. BEC is approaching swiftly and it is sounding like it too will be another win for our industry; also, budgets and booths are being planned for GlassBuild America, will you be there?

From the Fabricator

In other news, I strongly suggest you give Max Perilstein’s weekly blog a look. With the most basic historical knowledge, you’ll know the Perilstein Family has played a large role in our industry. Max continues to make valued contributions and provides the kind of information you’d expect from a name with over 120 years’ experience. Consistent and quality input covering varying facets inside and outside the glass world. One segment I am really enjoying is the project of the week. I’ve mentioned before the need to integrate the latest social marketing platforms, and Max highlighting special projects is a wonderful illustration, perfectly suited for the rise of a medium like Instagram.

Company spotlight

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, therefore I wish to take note from Max and highlight a company in each of my upcoming blogs. They’ll highlight who I find doing an excellent job marketing using the latest tools available; as a millennial I feel qualified to make these judgements. Lucky for you, the blogs are quarterly, although there really should be no shortage of suitable winners. Perhaps, then, we’ll all emulate their model to modernize our own platforms.

First up, must be Diamond Fusion International Inc. Across multiple platforms, they do one of the best jobs keeping their messages consistent, relevant, and insightful. I personally look forward to seeing your messages spread to Instagram in the future!

In closing, as we’re rolling into 2020 with steam from 2019, we’re all setting our sights to where we need to be in the coming 3-5 years. Though the brains of our industry doubt we’ll see a downturn like the previous, we should be prepared; it could happen in the next 3-5 year plan. A wave can only carry us so far before the inertia is lost. Still, let us look forward to seeing continuous improvements in the glass industry as a whole and remain excited about what the future brings to a world with so many glass products.


Pete deGorter headshot

Pete de Gorter

Pete de Gorter is vice president of DeGorter Inc. He can be reached at pete@degorter.comOpinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.