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Your Snapchat Crash Course

What you need to know about the social media platform to engage the next generation

Snapchat app

A coworker relayed to me they heard the comment categorizing them as part of the “Facebook generation,” whereas the commenter was part of the “Snapchat generation.” The way in which Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers utilize and prefer social media platforms differs vastly. As a millennial myself, I sit smack-dab in the middle of the entire conversation.

Who uses Snapchat?

Gen Z coming into the workforce poses a bit of an enigma. Organizations are scrambling to determine the best way in which to connect, grow and inspire this new generation that feeds on technology, and has done so all their lives. A startling statistic published by Snapchat states that its platform reaches 90% of the 13- to 24-year-old population and 75% of the 13- to 34-year-old population in 20-plus countries. The reach of this social media platform is astounding amongst the younger side of the generational span.

What is Snapchat?

So, what is Snapchat? Essentially, it is an app allowing users to quickly send picture messages that are only viewable for a limited time to other users. Created in 2011, it has gained a massive following. Below are common terms associated with the platform:

Snapchat glossary

  • Snap: the picture message. "She sent me a Snap of her dog."
  • Story: a function of Snapchat that allows users to upload pictures or videos for their followers to see that documents their day. This can be viewed for 24 hours. "Did you see her Story from last night?"
  • Snapscore: a calculated numerical score that encompasses how active users are on the platform. "He has a really high Snapscore."
  • Lenses: augments and animates the picture when applied. "Try this Lens next time, it cracks me up."
  • Filter: an artistic overlay function that will no longer be supported by Snapchat later this year and will be replaced by Lenses.
  • Snapchat Discover: a page that shows friends’ snap stories and publisher partner stories (examples: ESPN, Seventeen Magazine, E News, etc.). "I saw that on my Discover page."
  • Snapchat Spotlight: a page that operates similarly to TikTok in that it shows short viral videos from the Snapchat community.
Snapchat snap
Snapchat lense
Snapchat stories


How should the fenestration industry use Snapchat?

What does this all mean regarding the fenestration industry? This is a question that will continually be contemplated as new technologies emerge. The numbers clearly show that much of our up-and-coming workforce and customers use and connect through Snapchat. Other brands have already found their way to Snapchat advertising with great success. Shouldn’t our industry also go where the people are?

While Snapchat may not be the best vessel in which to actually sell glass and glazing product and services, it is a platform where users could be educated, cultivated and infused with excitement for our industry. It only requires us to be willing and adventurous in our goal to connect with those who will eventually take our place.


Sara Barchak

Sara Barchak

Sara Barchak serves as a marketing manager at EFCO and as an active volunteer in her community. Based in Missouri, she began her career in the glazing industry after graduating from Drury University with a Bachelor of Science in public relations, advertising and graphic design. She can be reached at sbarchak@efcocorp.comOpinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.