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Sara Barchak


Sara Barchak serves as a marketing manager at EFCO and as an active volunteer in her community. Based in Missouri, she began her career in the glazing industry after graduating from Drury University with a Bachelor of Science in public relations, advertising and graphic design. She can be reached at sbarchak@efcocorp.comOpinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.

Musings of a Fenestration Industry Worker and New Mother: An Update

This is a call to make sure we are intentional with our words and time and that we are careful with our connections to one another.

AI Risk Considerations

Much to the chagrin of a science fiction author existing in the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming an integral component in the modern workplace. It can help revolutionize operations, enhance productivity and foster innovation. 

The Musings of a Fenestration Industry Worker and New Mother: An Update

“Well, I slept in a crib last night,” I responded to the inquiry of how everyone was doing at the start of our meeting. My husband and I have never done the co-sleeping thing with our baby, but there are times when I am just too tired to rock my daughter in the nursery chair, and instead opt to…

Let’s Talk Podcasts

The next area of opportunity for social platforms is podcasts, which over half of Americans listen to. Podcasts provide a captive, engaged audience and podcast ad revenue may grow to $2.56 billion. 

Your 2024 Social Media Farmers’ Almanac

Research confirms that even more people are using social media than ever before. As we move into 2024, it's important to understand how platforms and user behavior is shifting so you can best present your product and brand presence online. 

3 Free Graphics Websites for Beginners

It's harder than ever to capture attention spans, but using graphics is one way to elevate your written message. Check out three free online resources.

Fishing for the Phishers

Scam emails seek to infiltrate business systems and take information. Considering the average office worker receives over 100 emails daily, it's easy to get fooled by phishing emails. Here's 10 signs that an email might not be legitimate.

The Musings of a Very Pregnant Fenestration Industry Worker

As I prepare for the arrival of my daughter, I'm thinking through how we can care for and support parents, inside and outside the workplace.

Is TikTok a Space for Fenestration Brands?

TikTok, unfairly labeled as a social media platform geared toward high school students doing dances to popular songs, has almost 85 million users of all ages in the United States alone. And big brands have made their way to this growing platform and found an opportunity to connect with users. So,…

Top 10 Tradeshow Giveaway Items of 2022

While tradeshow organizers will continue to err on the side of caution and keep safety front and center, it could be an encouraging trend for tradeshow attendance to see some light at the end of this seemingly never-ending tunnel. Tradeshows provide an incredible opportunity to connect, learn and…

Project Photography Can Tell Both Sides of the Story

Photography is one of the best avenues to show off our newly completed projects to the masses. Whether that is through the means of a professional photographer or simply shot on an iPhone, publicity for these new buildings comes from these images. It’s easy to focus simply on the outside structure…

Make Your Project-In-Progress Pictures Punch

We love to see new projects with glass walls, and old projects with new windows. But what about the pictures showing the project in its unfinished state? With just a few small editing tips, these installation pictures can be so much better.