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Use Value Engineering to Maximize Function and Lower Costs

Our industry is faced with a dilemma: How do we help our clients work around the financial constraints, maintain the functional and aesthetic goals, and ensure that the building is completed on time? The answer is value engineering.

By William Green | June 10, 2022

Raising Awareness of the Glazing Trade

When I attended Trades Night, an event designed to spread awareness about construction trades to high school students, I found career professionals ready to demo the most exciting parts of their profession.

Kitchen Confidential and Industry Sub-cultures

I've been reading about the life of Anthony Bourdain, the celebrity chef. It didn’t take me very long to start drawing comparisons from the restaurant world to other industries—such as the glass and fenestration industries.

By David Vermeulen | June 06, 2022

Great People, Resources, Cities and More

The latest “From the Fabricator” podcast is now live. Once again, I feel like the luckiest person around with getting to know new and ultra-cool people in our industry and then sharing their knowledge with all of you. Thank you for checking it out! 

By Max Perilstein | June 06, 2022

Closing the Shower Door Deal Onsite

An interesting topic that has come up in the Shower Door Professionals Group recently is being able to close at the time of the final measurement. The idea was introduced in a recent conversation, and it was surprising the amount of energy it gave to our discussion.

By Chris Phillips | May 31, 2022

Something Special

Pride in our industry is something I totally enjoy. In the past few years, this feeling of our value as a trade has really grown and the more we go that way the better. We have something special here, different and better than any other trade; let’s keep pushing that narrative as far as it can go.

By Max Perilstein | May 31, 2022

Migrating toward Bird-Friendly Buildings

The United Nations International Year of Glass 2022, or IYOG, celebrates the essential role glass has and will continue to have in society. Throughout IYOG, the National Glass Association will promote the ways architectural glass can improve our built environment and the world, focusing on a single theme each month of 2022. NGA’s IYOG theme for May: bird-friendly glazing.

By Karen Wegert | May 24, 2022

Is TikTok a Space for Fenestration Brands?

TikTok, unfairly labeled as a social media platform geared toward high school students doing dances to popular songs, has almost 85 million users of all ages in the United States alone. And big brands have made their way to this growing platform and found an opportunity to connect with users. So, the answer to the titular question, is yes. TikTok is a space for fenestration brands.

Preparing for...what?

This blog has been written and re-written four times already. I am struggling on how to lay it all out. The one thing I don’t like being is negative or worrisome, but unfortunately the following is what it is. So here goes…

By Max Perilstein | May 23, 2022

Excitement High at TGA Glass Conference

Last week’s TGA Conference, hosted by the Texas Glass Association at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, Texas, had a very strong showing, and a feeling of excitement. The sold-out show boasted the highest attendance in its history, with 150 attendees.