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Quick Takes

Everyone staying warm? What a run over the last few weeks, that even folks in Florida saw some crazy temps. Anyway, things will be heating up soon with a lot going on in our industry on tap. This week’s post is a quick hitter style with some catch up items leading the way.

By Max Perilstein | February 07, 2022

Plan It Now

Have you registered for BEC and GPAD yet? Those of you who have attended these conferences know the value and I assume you’ll be signing on soon. But let’s say you have not attended, and have no idea what the fuss is about; let me take you through it.

By Max Perilstein | January 31, 2022

How to Choose the Right Software System for Your Company: Part 3

Today we’ll cover the final two steps in the software buying process. If you’ve missed anything or need a refresher, please refer to Part 1 and Part II of this blog series.

2022 Prediction Time

After a one-week delay, my fearless predictions for 2022 are here. They range from forecasts about glass dominance as a building material, trends in IG units, and some ideas about our economic landscape. Let's go!

By Max Perilstein | January 24, 2022

Pod, Rumors, Projects, Dogs and More

One of the big items people are talking about … the buzz surrounding a potential deal for Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope. And that buzz is growing big time.

January 16, 2022

Two Education Sessions You Shouldn’t MIss at Glass Conference: Long Beach

The National Glass Association’s Glass Conference, to be held Jan. 24-26 in Long Beach, California, at the Renaissance, Long Beach will feature a few rounds of golf, great networking opportunities, and of course, invaluable informational and educational sessions.

How to Choose the Right Software System for Your Company : Part 2

Welcome back to the second part in a three-part blog series designed to help managers and glass/window/door company owners find the best software solution for their company. Today we’re going to cover creating a software vendor short list, and validating that list.

By Chris Kammer | January 10, 2022

2021 Prediction Review: How did I do?

My tradition is always on the second post of the year to review my predictions from the previous year and grade how they turned out. I am never always right or always wrong and looks like 2021 stayed in track with that.

By Max Perilstein | January 10, 2022

Happy 2022: Now Let’s Go!

2022. We made it. Time to start another year and maybe, just maybe, we’ll see more “normal” versus what we have experienced since early in 2020.

By Max Perilstein | January 03, 2022

How to Choose the Right Software System for Your Company

Choosing software for your business can be a daunting task, if not scary! There are many legitimate concerns. In an effort to help ease them, I will attempt to provide guidance in navigating software questions.