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Positive Report

The ABI came in at a stunning 53.3! The score of 50 is the break even and so this score not only shot past that but did so for the first time since this pandemic began. New project inquiries also went through the roof, posting a 61.2 and new contracts posted a nice 51.6. All in all, a super report.

By Max Perilstein | March 29, 2021

BEC Presents Maps State of the Industry, and Beyond

One of the only things in 2020 that didn’t suck was BEC. Everything that has happened since has largely been outside our control; however, the NGA continues to do an amazing job anticipating, adapting, and leading the glass industry through the biggest crisis in our lifetimes.

By Rich Porayko | March 23, 2021

Leadership Means Having Strong Soft Skills, Too

In the FGIA Education Department, we talk about the labor shortage and continuing education all the time. But another integral facet of education that doesn’t always get as many headlines is the importance of leadership skills.

By Kaydeen Laird | March 22, 2021

The Tightening of Supply

It has been on the radar for a while, and now it’s time to say it again. Everything is getting tighter. What I mean by that is there’s not many areas in the supply chain that are chock full of inventory.

By Max Perilstein | March 22, 2021

The State of Women in Construction

Despite making up 50 percent of the workforce, women comprise just 10 percent of the construction industry in the United States.

March 22, 2021

All That Glass Can Do

A conversation with Urmilla Sowell, technical and advocacy director, National Glass Association about the versatility of glass.

Reducing Cyber Security Risk for a Remote Workforce

The pandemic work experience can create unique vulnerabilities for companies, as employees’ home networks may not be as secure as traditional business networks. Employers and employees can reduce risk by observing these practices.

By Norah Dick | March 19, 2021

How Antimicrobial Coatings Protect Surfaces

As we prepare to safely return to work, building owners and facility managers are striving to demonstrate that their properties exhibit a clean, neat appearance. High-visibility, high-touch finished surfaces are under close scrutiny. These include such architectural aluminum products as windows and curtain wall framing, doors and entranceways, wall panels and column covers, interior partitions and handrails.

By Tammy Schroeder | March 15, 2021

Impressive Industry Minds on Display

The March edition of the From the Fabricator podcast is now live. This release is a bit earlier than normal because I didn’t want to conflict with the episode drops from BEC Presents coming next week, so I hope you’ll still make room in your listening/viewing schedule for all!

By Max Perilstein | March 15, 2021

Driving for Improvements

The year is over, there’s a twinge of momentary relief, and then it’s time to start back up again, only this time with a new end goal in mind. I liken this to a car race. Each quarter is a lap. You’ve got to keep the car tuned up, push to go faster and harder, and know when to make strategic pit stops to stay at the front of the pack.

By David Vermeulen | March 09, 2021