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Glass Getting a Positive Push

At the end of last month Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote a pretty fascinating blog post. The post was headlined “Buildings are Bad for the Climate,” and he went deep into the issues he sees the traditional building causing our world going forward.

By Max Perilstein | November 19, 2019

A Smart Future in Glass

The future of the glass industry is smart—smarter glass for smarter buildings in smarter cities, according to presenters and organizers at the 2019 Glass

What’s New in Social Media

It’s time once again for a social media news roundup! Here is a summary of the biggest moves being made in the social media world this summer, and how they could impact your business.

Fired Up: A Little Reminder About How Awesome Glass Is

If you haven’t been to Seattle in the summer, you should. It’ll kick your visions of hippies drinking coffee in the rain to the curb. Eighty-degree weather, sun until well past 8 p.m., mountains,

Finding Connection Points at AIA 2019

“What is the top question you hear from architects?” This is a question I have asked glass and glazing companies for several years when attending industry trade shows. The responses normally cover

The Decision-making Supply Chain

The quality level of all manufactured goods assembled and delivered in the curtain wall supply chain flow downhill from design and engineering decision-making, whether good or bad. The assembled

Every Building Tells a Story

In our industry, it is easy to get bogged down in the details, and with good reason. The right cuts, sealants used and installation processes can make or break a job. We live in a world where every

By Steve Schohan | May 13, 2019

A Good Employee is Hard to Find

Or should that be, “A good employee is hard to keep”? I am pretty sure every employer in our industry has run into the same HR issue of trying to figure out where to find good talent and dealing with

Did NYC’s Mayor Really Announce a Ban on Glass Buildings?

 Last week, the glass industry witnessed some jarring headlines coming out of New York City: "

Fired Up: Sorting Through the Green Building Maze

Anyone want to take a guess at how many green product certifications there are in the world, like Cradle to Cradle or Environmental Product Declarations? I did a little digging to find out the answer