Add elegance and light to modern building design with glass panels in balustrades unencumbered by traditional framing. Offering nonvisible bonding, DOWSIL™ 375 Construction & Glass Embedding allows natural and artificial light to transmit more freely and offers more unobstructed views when viewed both from and at the property.
Simplifying installation of metal railing and frameless glass balustrade systems, this pourable, self-leveling embedding grout securely supports flat and curved monolithic or laminated glass panels in both interior and exterior applications. Easy to install onsite, the polyurethane-resin-based material features efficient, fast application for enhanced productivity.
DOWSIL™ 375 Construction & Glass Embedding features:
- Rapid strength buildup for enhanced safety
- Excellent flowability for efficient application
- Lightweight container sizes for easy handling
- High rigidity for minimized panel deflection
- Compatibility with weatherseal joint material
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