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Notes from the Chair

A golden time for glass

This time in our industry is a golden time. Construction is great, the economy is doing well, and the NGA is growing and thriving. As I begin my term as NGA Chairman of the Board for the 2019-2020 term, I find myself considering the growth and development of the industry and this association, and the ambitious goals on the horizon for the coming year. 

But first, a bit about my background. I joined the glass business 19 years ago by purchasing Pikes Peak Glass, a commercial glazing subcontractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 2011, I went on to purchase City Glass Co., a service glass company serving the area since 1950. Between the two companies, we do everything from table work to multimillion-dollar curtain wall contracts. Though there have been some major ups and downs, glass has always managed to provide for my family, my employees and their families. 

I originally joined the NGA to build relationships with my peers in the industry. I was in a Vistage group—a peer coaching group for executives—for a number of years. It was immensely valuable, but I wanted similar relationships with those in my industry. I reached out to some of the people I saw mentioned in Glass Magazine, and I was quickly introduced to the NGA, eventually landing on the board. It has been a great experience, and I am honored to be your chair. 

My goals for this year are to:

  • Engage and encourage membership in the NGA.
  • Connect with our Affiliated Chapters and encourage state and regional glass associations that are not already engaged with us to consider becoming Affiliated Chapters of NGA. (Recently, my own state association, The Colorado Glazing Contractors Association, became an NGA Affiliated Chapter.)
  • Continue to enhance and promote NGA’s training program.
  • Work with my fellow Board members, NGA staff and NGA President and CEO Nicole Harris to pursue our goals of representing our industry well and providing amazing tools to our members.

Additionally, I want to talk with those in the industry. If you would like to reach out to me, connect with me through LinkedIn or email me at 

If you are an NGA member, make sure to visit the website to find out all the benefits afforded you by your membership. If you are not an NGA Member, I greatly encourage you to consider it. It will truly benefit you, your business and your clients. Let’s not just work in our businesses this year; let’s work on our businesses. 


Chris Bole

Chris Bole

Chris Bole is 2019-2020 Chair of the NGA and the owner of two glass companies in Colorado Springs, Colorado: Pikes Peak Glass and City Glass Co. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.