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From the Fabricator: And the Industry MVP is....

And here we are ... the end of the year and my final scheduled post for 2019. As is my tradition, it’s in this post that I reveal the runners up and MVP of our fine industry during the past year. This recognition is based on my home-grown parameters. I look at people and companies who step up to support our part of the world, push the innovation and are positive glass industry representatives. People and companies that volunteer their time and resources for the greater good and truly care about the whole versus the part. Over the years I have recognized incredible people and I think 2019’s batch will easily fit in with the previous honorees. Before I get to it, this has gotten harder over the years because of so many quality candidates, and this year was extremely challenging. Without further delay, here we go!


Courtney Little, ACE Glass
Courtney is a brilliant man and one that constantly gives back to our world. With his law background and connections throughout the subcontractor universe, Courtney is a “go to” guy on tons of important subjects. He is often asked to speak or connect people for more information on the latest codes or ordinances and always does everything he can to fulfill those requests. Courtney also happens to be on the cutting edge of technology too with the way he runs his business. I am amazed at the amount of work he gets done given all the hats he wears.

Scott Rowe and team, Rowe Fenestration
I only met the Scott and the Rowe team two years ago and from day one I was incredibly impressed. There are so many fabulous manufacturer rep firms in this country. Tremendous folks in all that are immensely talented. But it’s Scott and the Rowe team that constantly blow me away with their approach to the market and support of our industry. They get after the sales angle with a ferocious hunger for success and constantly position themselves as a true support system for their customers. They are continuously swamped, yet they take the time, each and every time they are asked to give back to the industry. Those qualities are awesome and appreciated. Also, I love Scott’s style too —his fashion touch is top notch—and wish I could come close to pulling it off! (Nope never)

Syndi Sim, Diamon-Fusion International
I have written about and interviewed Syndi in the past, so she’s been a favorite of mine. Time though now to point out again how she somehow seems to be everywhere at once: seeing customers, giving webinars, appearing at shows, and basically owning social media. Syndi brings a constant positive promotional presence and has always been front and center with regards to industry support. Where I am always thankful is that even if some areas are not in DFI’s or Syndi’s world, if it’s good for the advancement of the industry, Syndi is there for the support, and usually does it with her typical enthusiastic drive!

Dustin Anderson, Anderson Glass
There is so much more to Dustin than being that cool guy on TV or that cool guy with the tattoos or that cool guy who made the glass ping pong table or that cool guy who speaks about business items to packed audiences. There is a guy that lives for our product and our people. Loves the industry and strives to give back. Dustin’s talk at GlassBuild America about the lessons he learned—hard lessons like issues within his business that almost sunk him—are must listens. And the fact he shares this so others can learn from his past is selfless and impressive. It is sometimes a challenge for people to open up and share and especially when it was something so rough, but Dustin did it and does it often for the good of the industry. And yes, he's an extremely cool guy for that more than anything else.

And now our 2019 MVP.


Bill Sullivan, Brin Glass Co.

I have known Bill for many years. And despite that he still answers my e-mails. LOL. Seriously though, Bill is a tremendous person, business leader and industry supporter. With his role in the Brin world, Bill touches so many aspects of our industry and he does it with care and class. He is always looking for ways to improve and innovate and then is not hesitant at all to share best practices with others. He volunteers a ton of time and allows and encourages his people to do the same. He brings a level-headed approach to every item he takes part in and is usually the voice of logic and reason, much appreciated qualities when you get a bunch of fired-up people in a room. Bill steps up again and again and I can’t stress the appreciation I have for that. In addition, thanks to Bill’s personality and drive, so many of his folks take on that same trait. Yes, part of it is the classic “Minnesota Nice” that exists, but whenever I am dealing with any of Bill’s folks, it’s always a fair and impressive experience even when I don’t get everything I ask for! End of the day, Bill fits the bill as the 2019 MVP because he does go above and beyond for his companies, his people and our industry. We are all better because of it.  So, congrats Bill and please keep up the great work!

With that, the 2019 MVP race is complete. We have so many amazing people and companies in this industry and I wish I could name and talk about everyone on my list. But I have to save some for next year, right? We are truly a great industry with class people at every turn. Yes, there are aspects of our world that drive us all crazy, but those are minor in the big scheme of things.  In the end we are a community of people in a very specialized business who uniquely love and cherish the greatest building product in the world, and we all want to keep growing and advancing what we do and how we do it. No way we could do anything positive if we didn’t have the best collection of people around. 

Thank you all for following along again this year. I am always grateful for the support. I wish each and every one of you a happy holiday season and a healthy and profitable 2020!

Read on for links and video of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.