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Back at It

Back at it after taking a few days away to go offline and clear the brain, or at least try to! I really enjoyed going dark, and did not miss the online rat race a bit. Read three books and cleared out an online article app that I have on my phone that had stories as far back as 2014 waiting to be read. A good few days…

  • I came back energized, and that feeling only grew with some of the interesting events and news we had popping in our industry. First and foremost, seeing that Dr. Tom Culp will be doing a free webinar on June 18th had me fired up. Any chance you can get to acquire the latest code info from the most connected guy in our industry is a must.  Count me in there. Don’t miss it.
  • Then more details came through on the July Glass Conference that will be all online. I mentioned the Conference on my last post but the extra particulars on the schedule got me going. The agenda is loaded and the value for three days of education―$150 for members and $200 for non-members―is off the charts. There are a few big pieces scheduled, but the “All About Glass” segment is one that has me very pumped. Between that and several others this will be a great three days of learning. Obviously more on that in the next few weeks, but I would surely click here and get registered.
  • Then there was the news that BEC and GPAD will be co-locating next year in Las Vegas. That makes an already awesome pair of events even better. GPAD was founded by FeneTech and the great team there built a top-notch event that I am excited will have even a bigger platform next March. Obviously, with this several months away they’ll be more on it as it gets closer but for now it really gives you something to look forward to!
  • The Year of Glass work continues, and we are still in the running to make 2022 our year! Check out the website here and register your interest. The more that can get behind this movement, the better!
  • Vitro Architectural Glass continues to do some awesome communication work on the education side. Rob Struble and team are on a roll with a timely new tech doc on decontaminating glass surfaces here, as well as a recent push on the always-adventurous question of U-value versus R-value. I love the education so keep it coming!!
  • Major congrats to my old friends at Binswanger Glass. They have been in the news a ton lately for all good things, and the latest being a visit from the Kansas secretary of state to check out production of voting shields. I love when our industry gets positive coverage in the traditional press and this was an item that brought it. Props to the folks there for making it happen!
  • We keep hearing about the changes to workplace design. This article gives some history and a few thoughts going forward. For me, as readers of this blog know, I am expecting a lot of glass. 
  • Very interesting Dodge Momentum Index that came out while I was offline. The index hung in there and has not crashed. In fact, in one area the numbers were up. Obviously, there’s a lag here and a lot of backlog happening but commercial construction is hanging in there. Once again, all eyes point to those postponed project numbers. Which ones come back and which ones don’t―that is going to tell the tale for 2021 and beyond.
  • Last this week: while I was off, I was lucky enough to go to an actual restaurant and eat inside of it. First time since early March. It was wonderful. From my experience, a bunch of things have changed, including limited menus that were printed on “single use” paper. Yes, I was told no more (for now) traditional menus, but pieces of paper that will be discarded after each customer use. This brings up an area that the virus is changing and that is environmental angles―less multi-usage or recycled materials on things like this and items like re-usable bags at supermarkets. Interesting to see how this will continue. In the meantime, here’s a read on how restaurants are adjusting to the new world, and I am not in agreement with a lot of what the author is saying but still worth the read.

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.