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Big Week Ahead

Huge week ahead for our industry. There are two major, can’t-miss presentations coming this Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday, the most comprehensive and independent economic forecast focused on our industry happens. Connor Lokar is a tremendous speaker with impressive credentials on the economic side of things. He’ll provide the insight we all need to be able to plan for 2021 and beyond. Connor presents his annual forecast at 1 p.m. ET Tuesday. Then Wednesday, something very special. Jorma Vitkala makes his final major industry event (GlassBuild Connect truly fits that bill) presentation―Global Glass Industry Trends at 1 p.m. ET.

Jorma is an absolute legend in our world, and his insights are always spot on and interesting. If you want to know what’s now and what’s next, this is a session to get that intel at. Plain and simple there is only one place to be online this coming week and that’s at GlassBuild Connect.

Just go to for it. If you are already registered for the event, you are all set. If not, go get registered now and use GBCEXC as the code for free admission to the Connor event. Seriously, folks, this is a must.


GlassBuild Connect is off and running. Some initial thoughts:

  • On the site, I am amazed at the amount of products to review―some great breakthroughs in every segment area.
  • Are you taking advantage of the contests? Some very cool prizes are out there. Every weekday, there’s a new contest posted on Twitter and LinkedIn. Join in and win! (This last week great stuff from PRL, DFI, and Glassopolis; thanks folks!)
  • The presentation content has been great. The one that stood out last week for me was ICD’s piece on the latest moves in the spandrel space. Kate Stewart is a rock star in the making and massive kudos to the ultra-sharp Casey Anderson for her build of a really strong presentation. Impressive!
  • One to keep an eye on? At the end of the month, the session “There’s a Glass for That” featuring Kai-Uwe Bergmann of BIG, Robert Garlipp of Gensler, Sophie Pennetier of Enclos and Urmilla Sowell from the NGA. That will be off the charts awesome. Can’t wait.
  • Thank you again to everyone involved in this―GlassBuild is an industry tradition that had to pivot, so I truly appreciate everyone who’s stepped up and supported!
  • Thoughts out to everyone in the Lake Charles area that were in the path of Hurricane Laura. John Wheaton had posted some video on Twitter of a blown-out building that really hit home how much damage took place there. Hope everyone there is hanging in there.
  • Got this great picture from Eric Fortin of Northwestern GlassFab (via Image of the Day App and Getty Images) of three buildings in the clouds.
     top of three tall buildings above the clouds

And Eric’s comment was along the lines of can you imagine being a glazier on one of these. My answer is no way, absolutely amazing to look at but no way. Anyway this is a really stunning image that I appreciate Eric sharing with me!

  • Everyone loves these lists and the annual Top 300 Architectural Firms rundown is out. For me no huge surprises, as it seems like all of the main, tried and true players are where they are expected to be. In any case check it out here.
  • Congrats to Eastman for being named as “Best in State” employer in Tennessee. This poll was done by Forbes Magazine and done in an anonymous style and so it’s awesome to see a major player in our industry get such positive recognition!
  • Last this week; football gets going this week, and even though I despise Roger Goodell, I still follow the NFL and have to make my fearless predictions. Every year I think I pick the Carolina Panthers. So why stop now, I like Teddy Bridgewater. I am going with Carolina over Baltimore in the Super Bowl. 

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.