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Confidence Builder into 2022

And down the stretch we come; one month left in 2021 and it feels in many ways like it’s flown by, but in others not so much. Heck, I feel like GlassBuild was a lifetime ago! Anyway, time to keep plugging along and finish this year strong!

Speaking of strong, despite the challenges we are all facing on the business settings, the economic indexes continue to do very well. The last Architectural Billings Index was released while this blog was on holiday, and it is still thriving in positive territory. This month the main score clocked in at 54.3 which is still well above break-even, but down from last month’s stunning 56.6. The regional story was interesting with the Midwest flying in with a score in the 60s (61.9) while the Northeast did hit a speedbump and came in with a 48.6. What does this mean? Things are still flowing at that design level and this gives us some confidence into 2023.

One interesting takeaway from this month’s report was that architects are expecting some M&A action in their world. I think this is absolutely going to happen, and will be watching on who ends up matching together. 


MVP Award 

Also coming in December, my annual Industry Most Valuable Person award. Tremendous candidates again this year, and looking forward to hashing all of that out here. Stay tuned!

Gilbane and Supply Chain

The latest supply chain update from Gilbane had a change in it as it relates to our industry. For the first time since I have been tracking it, in the category of “Deliveries” we are listed as “Delayed.” In previous reports we were one of the few trades that did not have that designation, but here we are now.

We know what we are up against, and we all continue to battle, and obviously our adventures are now even known outside of our world. Keep proactively communicating folks―that is the best way to stay on top of it all.

Feel-good St. Louis Construction Story

Normally I’d put a story like this in my “links of the week” but this one really deserves more focus. A young lady stepping up to the construction world plate and goes above and beyond any obstacle she has! Love it! A hat tip to the great Melanie Dettmer for pointing this story to me!

Succession Showcases Glass

If you watch the show “Succession” it is surely an interesting ride in the world of the family business and riches. A few weeks ago though they shot on location at a house that sold for $52 million that had some awesome glass work in it. Check it out here―but if you’re not caught up on the show this season, it may contain a spoiler or two. By the way, I’ll say the house was worth $52 mil because of the glass!

Great Industry Websites

Last this week; during the holiday I ended up down the rabbit hole of checking out some industry websites. I decided to rank my five favorite “under the radar” websites in our industry. These are companies that aren’t always in the news or active on social but they put together some quality looks and represent our world well. Note: I rated on looks and layout only, not technical content (thought it may be fine) Here goes...

5. Aurora Glazing 

At first this site didn’t catch me, but then I scrolled and it brought me into it big time. It surely didn’t hurt having some super high-end names on those projects too.

4. Heuring Glass 

Maybe it helps that I love San Diego? But this site just rocked me, great pictures and so much happening in a good way.

3. Christopher Glass

Another one using good color schemes and this one brought the neat hook of celebrating its 40th year in business. Good hook and nice work.

2. Glass Flooring Systems 

This site had a pretty traditional format but I think the photography is what hooked me in―love seeing glass used these ways, and also color scheme worked.

1. Minneapolis Glass 

The site layout was different than I have seen typically, and it really hooked me. Color scheme worked too. And the use of three-word headlines (not sure if that was intended or not) was pretty brilliant. 

Congrats to all of the folks who worked on these sites above, your efforts paid off in something special! Obviously, we have tons and tons of sites, so I’m always on the lookout on who’s doing well. Feel free to ping me with your favorites!

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.