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Deals, Awards, Entrepreneurs and More


This is another week where there’s no lead story, but a bunch of smaller ones to comment on or catch up with. Including two stories I completely missed along with a bunch of other relevant items. 

FeneTech Acquired

On the stories I missed… First off, I missed commenting on the FeneTech deal that went down in early August. Big time software designer 2020 of Westwood, Massachusetts, bought FeneTech and it looks like a positive deal for all parties, especially because the core group at Fenetech, including Ron Crowl, will be staying on board. That part is huge for the industry, and now adding in some extra innovation won’t hurt!

Marketing Email Blasts

Then I missed an excellent article in Glass Canada from my guy Rich Porayko on the changes to email blasts that could affect many marketing approaches. The piece is strong, so check it out and you’ll be able to get even more insight from Rich on my November podcast (coming soon, as long as Rich doesn’t skip out on me for that Joe Rogan offer he has.) 

Winco Windows Wins 2021 Family Business Award

Some good news to share… and speaking of podcast- recent guests Winco Window had something to celebrate recently after being awarded the 2021 Family Business Award from the St. Louis Business Journal. Absolutely well-deserved, and I am very happy for Gantt & Woody Miller, and everyone at Winco for making it happen and bringing excellent publicity to our industry!

Ubiquitous Energy Wins NSF Award

Also, good news to the great folks at Ubiquitous Energy with an award from the National Science Foundation. It is recognition like this that gives our industry a positive boost and shows our innovative chops. Our world does develop products that make a difference! Congrats to the team at Ubiquitous on this excellent honor!

Top 10 Fastest Growing Cities for Entrepreneurs

List time again! This time the fastest growing cities for entrepreneurs. These are the cities seeing noticeable growth with new companies:

10. Nashville, TN

Not a surprise though honestly expected higher. Also, make sure you are there for BEC and GPAD in March of 2022 to see for yourself!

9. Milwaukee, WI

This is a surprise, and good to see, as plenty of excellent people I know living in that region.

8. Jacksonville, FL

All Thomas Lee, I am sure.

7. Birmingham, AL

I have been impressed with this area each time I visit.

6. Buffalo, NY

May be cold there, but that area must be jumping.

5. Charleston, SC

My buddy moved there a year ago, and he tells me its bananas with growth.

4. Greensboro-Winston Salem, NC

This one does stun me for sure. I like the area, but didn’t see it in the same class as all of these others.

3. Louisville, KY

Exciting to see; the area really has been on the move. The great Tony Kamber continues to work his magic in that region.

2. Colorado Springs, CO

Floored by this- can someone from that area confirm?

1. Greenville, SC!

I have been here a few times, and each time it gets more and more impressive. This does not shock me one bit and I think it’s going to be on the move for a while.

I am sure at one time cities like Charlotte were on this list and now they are built out. I am surprised that nothing in the Maryland, Virginia area are on here, but maybe that’s my glass industry bias since it seems like every day someone new is opening in that region. Plus, has Texas built all the way out? Salt Lake City? Anyway, good stuff and interesting to see where the growth is!

Steve LeVan of Chicago Heights Glass Passes Away

Sad news, Steve LeVan of Chicago Heights Glass passed away this week. Steve was a class act through and through, and absolute pioneer and true legend in the Chicago glazing market. His legacy is left behind with a great company and a son, Kurt, that continues to be among the best our industry has ever seen. Steve will be missed and my sincerest condolences to Kurt, the LeVan family and the entire team at Chicago Heights Glass.

No Blog Post Next Week

Last this week- No blog post for me next week! Taking a week off from this to energize for the stretch run with more podcasts, the industry MVP and more! I’ll be back in this space the week of November 14th unless something major happens in our world…

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.