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The Man, the Myth, the Legend

In the next issue of Glass Magazine there is a story I am very proud to be associated with. It is a “Take 5 with Randy Steinberg” of Glasswerks, and it really was a fun one to dig into. First and foremost, though, for this story all of the heavy lifting from start to finish was done by Dan Pompeo of Architectural Glazing Solutions. Dan created the outline, delivered the questions and then did all the leg work on timelines and picture needs. Not only is Dan one of the best manufacturers reps ever created but he’s an amazing advocate for this industry and a loyal-to-the-core guy when it comes to his long relationship with Randy. This article doesn’t even leave the launch pad without Dan. 

Randy, for those who know him, is not the sort that likes to talk about himself or sit in one place long enough to get any sort of insight about him. So, getting this chance and digging into what makes Randy tick really was special. One of the best takeaways is something I have now adopted too and that is Randy’s “never look back” approach to things. Check out the article online here ahead of the printed version coming out soon. Thank you, Randy, for taking the time and Dan for making this happen!


Guardian Dewitt Plant 

Great news for the folks at Guardian Glass with their DeWitt, Iowa, plant earning a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star certification, which signifies that the plant performs in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict energy efficiency performance levels set by the EPA. We always take heat in our industry for various reasons, and usually we get picked on because of energy in one form or fashion―nice to see some good news on that front! Congrats!

Erik Stumpf

Speaking of good news, congrats to my old friend Erik Stumpf of DeGorter who is handling the sales now of the very well regarded Sedimentor from Bohle. Erik is a battler, that is for sure, and I think he’ll do well pushing this very important product for our industry and environment.

Glass software

I always talk on here that I love our technology and it often is under-rated. This past week I was able to see a demo of the FeneTech FeneVision shower door program and it was quite impressive. This software really covers the bases when it comes to the shower door trade. Nice work by the team there and tremendous presentation by Dave Miller.

Linel Project

Last week I linked to some incredible jobs via an article in Architects Daily. One of them in particular I said I liked the most and, lo and behold, the industry folks behind it did drop me a note. So, props to Kelley Lasek and his team at Linel. Kelly noted that the Boston project featured Linel and that Ipswich Bay Glass was the Installer. Tremendous work everyone!

 2022 Year of Glass

There was an update on 2022 being “The Year of Glass” this week with things continuing to progress in this process. The team behind it is doing a super job keeping glass in the forefront and filling the holes with regards to areas of support. The one thing I don’t know is who are we competing against? What other products or industries are going for this esteemed honor? I just don’t know, but I do know the efforts that Alicia Duran and her team are putting forth have been incredible. Staying positive that 2022 is not only going to be a great year but also “The Year of Glass!”

BEC Presents

Last this week: the episodes are coming together for the upcoming series BEC Presents. This setup for information and education delivery is going to be different than you’ve seen in the past, but the detail and knowledge you are going to gain will be just as good as ever. I’m excited for it as all episodes drop on March 22. 


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.