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One-on-One to End 2021

Well unless something crazy happens, this is my final blog for 2021 and I am thrilled I can end it with the dropping of my final podcast of season 1―a one on one with the ultimate leader in our industry, Don Friese.

This was such an amazing experience and thrill to spend some time picking Mr. Friese’s brain and the knowledge and direction he delivered was fabulous. There are statements in here that will be shown in sales meetings and posted in offices and warehouses all over. So please check it out on video  or audio. Thank you for supporting it all year and I am excited for what’s to come in year 2!


Fred Jayson and Gary Boyajian Pass Away

We’ve lost some amazing and important people in our industry this year and unfortunately this past week two more left us. Fred Jayson of Bendheim Glass passed away at the age of 100. You may remember earlier this year on his birthday, the post about him working at 100 going viral. That was an excellent portrait of a man who truly worked all the way to the end and was beloved by many. My condolences to the Jayson family and the Bendheim team.

Gary Boyajian also passed away this week. Gary was a major player in the Michigan glazier scene and easily one of the most likable and popular guys in the region. Tremendous person and class act―he was involved in many of the great projects that spurred metro Detroit’s revival. He also looked like the actor Sam Elliot and gave off that same cool cowboy vibe that Sam Elliot did in many of his movies, and I loved it. I learned a ton from Gary as I was cutting my teeth in the industry, so this one really hits home hard. My thoughts and prayers to Gary’s family and the Michigan glazing community.

ABI Loses Steam

The latest Architectural Billings Index was released this week, and while still in a positive space, is starting to lose steam. The score of 51 is the lowest since it was under water in January and the new project inquiries were down as well. This was pretty much to be expected and it’s still above water but the different pressures out there I think finally reached this index. Good run ahead for us of because of the previous scores, but now bears watching on what will happen to see the effects for late in 2022. 

Miles Barr of UE Honored

Congrats to Miles Barr of Ubiquitous Energy for being named to the 2021 Environment + Energy Leader 100 List, an annual recognition of environment and energy ‘doers’ who break trail in creating new solutions, programs, platforms, best practices and products to help their companies―or other companies―achieve greater success. As readers of this blog know, I love what Ubiquitous has going on and again pumped to see our industry get national recognition. Keep up the great work folks.

 Viracon Promotes Two

And on the note of great work, Viracon announced this week new positions for two excellent guys in seriously challenging positions. Seth Madole will now take on the role of director of supply chain and customer experience and Brian Savage will be supply chain manager. Both are super people, experienced and caring and will do great in these spots, especially because they both are top notch communicators and more than ever in those positions the messaging has to be on target. Congrats to both on the great news.

Pod and Blog schedule

Last this week; my blog and pod schedule for upcoming weeks. We’ll be dark here until the week of January 2nd. Unless of course something crazy happens, like my brother cobbling a couple of billion together to buy Oldcastle. Don’t count out Stevie P there.

Once the new year hits, we’ll have a catch-up blog out of the gate, then week of Jan. 9 will be a review of the 2021 predictions and the week of Jan. 16 will be the 2022 predictions and the first episode of season 2 of the From the Fabricator podcast. So good stuff coming up.

Until then here’s wishing all of you out there a happy holiday season and a healthy 2022! Thank you again for all the support and I look forward to seeing as many of you in person in the new year as possible!


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.