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Podcast Deep Dives

The latest “From the Fabricator” podcast is now out and it features some very wide ranging subjects from excellent people in our world.

I lead off talking about Cardinal/AGC and some other moves to potentially come, and then into the interviews.

  • Charles Alexander from Walker is fantastic―talking on Walker’s evolution and their moves into etched and bird friendly among other items.
  • Adrian Lowenstein of Skyline Windows is an absolute superstar―great chance to learn more about him and also take his temperature on so many glass and glazing items, including some riffs at the end on new technology.
  • Then Jen Marchesani of Shildan educates me on terra cotta and so much more―a tremendous learning experience and great person for me to meet.

So, episode No. 7 is now in the books and available for you.

Video Version

Audio Version

Find it however you consume your podcasts (Apple, Spotify, Google, etc.) Thank you!


Creating Structure

And while you are adding my podcast to your list, the latest John Wheaton “Creating Structure” is out and that features Thomas Cornellier of TSI Corp. Thomas is a very good guy and TSI a remarkable company. John once again is fantastic at pulling out really meaningful discussion points. Please check it out!

Mid-year Forecast

I noted last week that we’d have a mid-year forecast coming out, and it was an interesting one. We are in a slow stretch (some feel this more than others) and the outlook for the future is positive, but concern on the virus and the lack of vaccinations in the construction trade are a worry as is supply chain and labor shortages.

As for some segments, retail looks ugly for a while, schools and offices should bounce back sooner (look for more retrofit in the immediate term for offices) and restaurants and some lodging will recover nicely. If the government steps in, we probably won’t see that work until 2023/2024.

Also, more solar is a play―we know that based on the glass tightening (because of solar panels) and what companies like Ubiquitous Energy and Vitro are doing to positively disrupt the space.

There was a lot to unpack, but bottom line is it is still a battle out there, supply and labor rule the roost and doing everything you can to be diverse and efficient is the key. 


Later this week the latest ABI will be out. It has been on fire―will it continue? Or will some of these fears that were listed in the latest forecasting dampen it? We’ll see and report back here…. 

New President at Bendheim

Great Bendheim news. Congrats to the Jayson family on the promotion of Ben to president of Bendheim. Wonderful family and company. In October of 2015, I wrote a blog post congratulating Ben for joining the business, and now he’s moved all the way up the ladder. The talent in that family runs deep and neat to see the fourth generation to step up to the plate. Great to see!

Quikserv acquisition 

An interesting company in our world is Quikserv and they made a nice acquisition a few weeks back with the pick-up of US Bullet Proofing. Quikserv has evolved smartly from the core business of pass-through/drive through windows, to now so much more, with all of the protective options and I am big fan of Wade Arnold their commercial sales manager. Sharp young guy that really is going to be a part of a push to keep the company moving in the right direction. Plus, I see Wade becoming active at the trade level and you know I love that! Congrats to all involved there!

Update on San Francisco Building

Last this week- I hit on this previously on the sinking San Francisco building and it looks like there was an update….hopefully they righted this one.

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.