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Safety Always Wins

Woman and man construction workers

We just completed Construction Safety Week, and what was nice was the push for that extra training needed to keep our teams safe in the shop and in the field. While I talk about labor here a ton, I don’t talk enough about the importance of the safety of those who are already working with us. We shouldn’t be cutting corners on safety (or the education and training of it) and really, in fact, should be going all in.

We make and install amazing products that truly stand out and serve a massive purpose in our world, and we should be selling that wholeheartedly. But we also need to make absolutely sure our environments are the best they can be and really be proactive with safety and all that goes with it. We just had a one week focus on it, let’s keep that going at full speed.


Glass Magazine, April

Time for my monthly Glass Magazine review. Very strong issue that starts with an awesome cover and goes from there. One of my all-time favorites Matt Johnson of The Gary Law Group has a tremendous piece on insurance and design activities. Also, strong pieces from the great Joe Erb and Katy Devlin is back with “Glass & Metals 601” which was fascinating and super helpful in a ton of ways―great training tool! Check it all out, great work by all!

Glass Magazine, Ad of the Month

The Ad of the Month goes to Quattrolifts, with their two-page layout that just brings what they do right into your face. Smart and simple ad that uses color effectively and message is delivered. Props to Chip Olson and the team there on a job well done!

Glass Industry Representation

Nice piece in the news this week that included a former Glass Industry MVP prominently. Bill Sullivan of the Brin Companies was quoted extensively in this article on the “getting back to work” process and the changing of the office as we know it. Good piece and, as always, Bill represents our world extremely well. 

Vitro Promotes Joanne Funyak

Congrats to Joanne Funyak of Vitro on the promotion to her new role of director of the Vitro Certified Network and project management. This will be a great move for Joanne who has always been on my favorite list, as she is one of the nicest and classiest people in our industry! (Not to mention immensely talented too)  I love seeing good things happen to the good folks in our world. 

Transparent Wood v. Glass

Here we go again;” transparent wood instead of glass” had yet another article written. This has been coming up for several years, and once again the same ground is being covered. I really struggle to understand how people can continue to put items out like this that seriously don’t come close to thinking things all the way through. In any case, feel free to check out the latest on the push to get transparent wood in our space. 

Upcoming “From the Fabricator” Ep

Last this week, I’ll be recording Episode No.5 of the “From the Fabricator” podcast this week for its debut next weekend. This is going to be a fun one. My guests, unless something crazy happens, will include a pretty cool subsection of our world including a great glazier, tremendous manufacturer/supplier, an innovative “newbie” to our space, and of course the first appearance of the legendary Stevie P, my brother. He’s nervously anticipating my questions... That is all coming your way next week, and thank you all for the continued support!

Read on for links of the week...


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.