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2022 MVP and Year-End One on One Special Podcast

The 2022 Glass Industry MVP and Runners Up

2022. Get ready to enter this one into the finished column. But before we do that, there’s quite a bit to cover on my last scheduled blog post of the year.  

First off, my year ending traditional “one-on-one” podcast with an industry influencer. Last year was Mr. Don Friese. This year it's Steve Weidner of NSG Pilkington. Steve is a legend in our space and our talk covered a ton of items including his years in the industry, supply chain, new tech, next steps and his ability to run into celebrities, which I do think he even sandbagged me there too, as even at glasstec he was hanging out with Japan’s World Cup Soccer team. Great and important man in our world. Check it out on YouTube or listen here and as always wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Glass Industry MVP and Runners Up

Next up, it’s my annual Glass Industry MVP and runners up award. Since 2013 I have bestowed this honor on some of the best of the best in our space, with a goal of always having new people mentioned each year. To date I’ve noted 50 people and companies and this year four more make the list.

What I take into account are people or companies that support the industry as a whole, go above and beyond in those efforts, are great ambassadors overall in order further our mission. In addition, innovation and education plays a role too. This award comes from me alone, though many people do ping me to nominate deserving folks and I always listen, consider, and appreciate. So, without further delay, let’s get to it!

2022 Runner’s Up

Stanley Yee- Dow. When I realized that Stanley had never been on any of these lists I was stunned and embarrassed. How could I miss him? So this is almost a lifetime achievement nod as much as his continued efforts to make our industry better. In that esteemed past Stanley played a crucial role in the GANA-NGA merger and going forward he continued to be a person who pushed innovation and collaboration at every turn. Also a show or event within our world is not the same unless you see that classic Stanley smile. Great man who cares a ton and backs it up always raising a hand to help. Stanley my apologies for not mentioning you earlier!

Chris Phillips- Showcase ShowerDoors and Shower Door Pros on Facebook. Chris is not only a strong businessman and inventor, more on that in a second, but his founding of the Shower Door Pros community on Facebook was a huge breakthrough in building collaboration in our space.  There are bigger forums out there but none that bring the sense of family that the Shower Door Pros have. Every Wednesday night these folks gather and talk, and in one hour everyone gets better. I’ve been lucky to hop on a couple of these and they are just awesome opportunities for fellowship and growth. On the inventor side, Chris has created amazing products to make the installers life easier and more efficient and he never stops hustling on that end.  A tremendous and genuine person, I am thrilled that I somehow ended up in the Chris Phillips camp.

Frameless Hardware Company- FHC. Hard to have a better year than these guys, eh? From a business side their growth has been dynamic, additional locations, manufacturing and the latest acquisition of Morse, and important to keep people ahead of supply chain crunches. They’ve innovated to make people more efficient and they’ve supported and really pushed hard on items like MyGlassClass to ensure the glazier gets the best online education available in the market today.  Chris Hanstad and Barry Sutherland and team continue to always be active nationally and their folks like Danny Donahue who step up to support the industry during crucial NGA meetings. Add in people like my pal Jeff Ziesche who proudly represents them and never misses a chance to promote NGA, GlassBuild etc. and this is a winner all the way around.  

Three fabulous and important runners up.  


But now it’s time to crown the 2022 MVP.

That would be…

Jodi Martinez of AllStar Glass.  Jodi is amazing and absolutely one of the coolest people out there. She has slowly but surely become an absolute force in our industry and her approach and personality are a breath of fresh air. Jodi is always learning, always collaborating and always putting her words into action. One huge example this year was her pushing a “Trades Night” in her community. We all know we need to attract more people and youth to our space- events like the one Jodi supported are a great way to get there.  

In addition, Jodi plays a great role on the NGA Board, is active at every NGA meeting, while getting a ton of her team involved too, spreading that knowledge and education, and she happens to be an amazing host of events too as she rocked the GEF this past fall making a certain host of the BEC a bit nervous because, dang she is good. Jodi and her husband Dan have a top-notch business, and note I am huge fan of Dan as well, that really makes our industry look good. AllStar installs some beautiful and challenging projects. Plus this year the women in glass and fenestration movement took a major step and I think Jodi is one of the most important faces in that effort going forward. She’s stepping up even before she’s called. No doubt to me that Jodi is a hustler day in day out and our space is better for it. So Jodi, congrats, you are the top of the top for the Glass world in 2022!

Note I have been insanely lucky to have had Jodi, the FHC guys, and Chris on my podcast in the past and if you are looking for a listen this holiday season and want to know them better, here are the links.

Jodi and Dan Martinez:

Audio  Video 

Chris Hanstad and Barry Sutherland  FHC:  

Audio  Video

Chris Phillips:

Audio  Video

Survived no Internet

Quick side note, I survived with no internet for three-plus days and ladies and gentleman, I liked it! Yes the disconnect really was refreshing. Now will I do it again soon? Probably not. but I surely will welcome it when it comes down the line again. Who knew you could get away from things and survive!

Last blog of 2022

OK, so unless something crazy happens this will be my last blog for the year. Thank you for following along and supporting. My traffic in 2022 was by far my best, with numbers that blow my mind, that 40 percent glass increase that brought new people to my blog and podcast I think increased all of my traffic 40 percent too! I am grateful to everyone on this. Since 2005 I have posted this blog weekly and it continues to be a therapeutic joy for me, I hope to keep doing it and hope you all keep following along!

Finally, a sincere wish to all of you for a happy and healthy holiday season and 2023! It’s going to be an interesting year, like seemingly all are, but I know our world can work through and over anything. I am honored to be amongst all of you. Thank you.

See you with my next blog week of 1/8 with I’m sure plenty to catch up on!

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.