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Dynamic Duo and an Amazing System

MVP Season Coming Up

We’ve reached the final month of the year and time has just flown right on by. Lots to cover this week, but kicking off with the latest From the Fabricator podcast. Really fun one, first featuring the awesome duo of Michael Saroka and Laura Little from Goldray Glass. This sibling team, along with their incredible company is making things happen in our space. They both dropped some strong insight too that I think we can all learn from. Great people! 

Also this month Kyle Lindersmith of innovative laminating system manufacturer Burkle. He made a massive splash at the big GPAD event earlier this year and it was fun to catch up with him on that and his laminating machinery that is disrupting the space. Loved his overall attitude as well. So please check this one out… as always I appreciate it!

You can listen to the podcast, or watch it on YouTube.

Find it by searching “From the Fabricator” on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.


Glass Industry MVP Season

With the year coming to a close it is now officially Glass Industry MVP season! So in two weeks, the winner will be announced and I have to say that once again there are so many awesome options here. Choosing the winner and runners up yearly is a challenge but a good one really because that means we have people and companies that really care about what we do! Just as a reminder, here are the past honorees:

2013- Tracy Rogers

2014- CR Laurence

2015- Jon Kimberlain

2016- Chuck Knickerbocker

2017- Joe Erb

2018- Nathalie Thibault

2019- Bill Sullivan

2020- Tim Kelley

2021- Matt Kamper and Steve Dean

2022- ?????

Architects and manufacturers dynamic

I posted this separately on LinkedIn but wanted to note it here in case you missed it. My friend Vardhan Mehta of Acelab wrote a great post on architects and manufacturers and the dynamic there. Our industry always wants to engage with architects and Vardhan being an excellent architect himself gave some answers to the test. Check it out here!

Retirement in the industry

Major congrats to Kevin Nash of Agnora on his retirement. Kevin announced he was hanging 'em up on LinkedIn and it almost crashed the site. Good guy who helped push some smart and sophisticated glass into the space and made our industry look good. Congrats Kevin, best to you in the next phase of life and thanks for all you did in our world!

Slightly misleading hotel advertising 

Fun one for my fellow road warriors…have you noticed both Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn are both going heavy on advertising their breakfast options? I laugh because the commercials show these bright and shiny spaces, with loads of options, great looking food, happy and helpful people everywhere, even bringing you fresh tea!

My laughter comes because these images are pretty far from reality… and I love my Hampton Inns but the next time I get a breakfast like the ones they show on the commercial will be the first. I will say now that things have progressed on the Covid side of things, it is nice to even have that option back. Those who missed it, during the height of Covid, the breakfasts were discontinued, and they gave you a mystery bag that could include anything from an apple to a handful of fiber bars… you never knew and it was truly an adventure.

No blog next week

Last this week… NO BLOG next week from me. Yes, I know I was already off very recently but that was Thanksgiving's fault. Next week I’ll be disconnected on a family cruise. This was booked in June of 2021 not knowing if cruises would even be happening, but here we are. The bigger issue is me not being connected for over three days. At this point I am choosing NOT to get the cruise Wifi. I guess we’ll see how strong my willpower is! Anyway, see you back in this space week of 12/18 with a special year end podcast and as mentioned above our industry MVP! Good stuff ahead.

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.