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Equipment, Architects, Vans, Skunks and more

Three great guests on this week's pod

The latest episode of the From the Fabricator podcast is now out and it’s filled with a bunch of firsts. The main ones were first time with 3 guests in one segment and first architect to be interviewed. Fun and interesting stuff. The guys from Salem Fabrication Technologies and HHH Glass Equipment were first up and didn’t disappoint in a wide-ranging conversation from new equipment, to service, to a mixed forecast; good upcoming, scary in a few years, and more.  

Then Vardhan Mehta of AceLab joined to talk about his past, his incredible new platform that will be huge for our space and more. Thank you for listening/watching and always supporting! You can watch the podcast here, or listen here.


A TV debut

I previewed a few weeks ago that the TV Show “Good Bones” would be having a segment that featured our industry and that episode finally aired. Great content and showed off the team from Isoclima North America, Global Security Glazing and Dlubak Specialty Glass are a part of this group, very well. Here is the segment from Global’s Linkedin page. Nice work all!

Excitement on VIG continues

The recent FGIA meeting covered a ton of ground but the continued excitement on VIG really is what gets me going. Window and Door had nice coverage on this process and feedback from a nice range of stakeholders. 

Hurricane Ian impact 

I’m still thinking about the folks in Southwest Florida and the Fort Myers area that suffered the wrath of Hurricane Ian. Tough and great people there fighting through a challenging time. Leading the way as always is the Daubmann family and they started a Go Fund Me to raise money for those affected by this storm. Please take a look and consider giving.  

Looking forward to GBA

Not sure if you all know this but GlassBuild is coming up! I know it’s been really under the radar promotionally and all, LOL.  Very excited for this show! And I’ll be headed there in style, as in a van on a funky cool road trip organized by Andrew Haring and led by the awesome creativity from Casey Anderson of ICD. So next Saturday I’ll be flying to LA and then hopping in the van to go to Vegas. Lots of fun scheduled and I am going to do a special edition of my podcast from the road and have it here next week.

Documentary suggestion

Music item, really good documentary on Don McLean on Paramount+. The Day the Music Died singer and how that song came about and has grown to be so recognizable and amazing. Super back story on one of the best songs of all time. 

An unwelcome surprise at home

Last this week, skunks. So as some of you know we have 5 dogs and for 21 years of living in this current home in Michigan, we have avoided any of our dogs running into a skunk. Until this past week when two our pups decided that the cute little black and white animal that was sauntering in our driveway would be someone they wanted to meet. 

Well the skunk “welcomed” them for sure with its special spray. Needless to say that was an experience and hopefully when you see me at GlassBuild there’s no leftover skunk aroma to me. Wildest part? The initial smell when the skunk sprayed the dogs wasn’t that brutal skunky smell. It was a rotten egg smell. Not a great smell either but wild to me that it starts off with that smell vs. what I expected. Anyway, any of you who have had this experience I salute you, not fun!

Click here for links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.