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Hope is on the horizon for the building industry

To quote the great thinker and eccentric swashbuckler, Captain Jack Sparrow, “The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.”

This philosophy sums up our reaction to the challenges of recent history. We often only see the effects of an issue—the real problem is what we do in reaction. We can point fingers at supply chain disruptions and other global challenges, but this doesn’t get us closer to a solution. Taking a moment to think and evaluate can help us adjust and react in a way that contributes to a solution. This moment is critical in both business and personal settings.

Taking to the open seas

Travel appears to be opening up with mask restrictions being lifted a couple months ago. Whether it’s for business or pleasure, the airports are full, and folks are getting out and about. Professionally, I was in Chicago for a couple days for the AIA show. There is something to be said for having a conversation and connecting in person. Personally, my family and I recently returned from Bend, Oregon, for a lacrosse tournament. My middle son is on a club lacrosse team that is traveling to Pennsylvania and Maryland later this month. I keep hearing reports about summer road trips coming back regardless of gas prices. None of this would be possible just two years ago, and we’re grateful for the ways we’ve been able to adapt and find solutions to unprecedented global issues.

Although I have no sailing excursions planned for the Caribbean, our future still looks bright. The same is true for the building industry, and more specifically the glass industry.

Taking an optimistic approach, there is still plenty of hope on the horizon. For example, several industry publications show construction starts on the rise. They point to rising billings at Northeastern firms, but these upturns can be felt throughout the country. While no one can predict the future, it seems like our present has adjusted to current challenges and we are seeing the results.

Smooth sailing even on stranger tides

To me, this shows that across the industry, people are not stopping at identifying a problem but instead are evaluating their attitude about it. We’re finding faster, more efficient and more sustainable ways to build despite the current challenges. In doing so, we’re finding solutions that will have a lasting impact on how construction is done well into the future.

To bring our pirate adventure back full circle, another Jack Sparrow quote goes, “If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.” Evaluating our attitudes about a problem can help us create our own opportune moments. We’re seeing that right now. So, let’s not wait. The wind is at our backs. The forecast is clear. Let’s stay positive and set sail.



Dave Vermeuelen

David Vermeulen

David Vermeulen is the North America Sales Director at Technical Glass Products (TGP), a division of Allegion that supplies fire-rated glass and framing systems, and other specialty architectural glazing. Contact him at 800/426-0279. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.