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VanCast and GlassBuild Week!

Podcasting wins (and fails) during a desert road trip

What happens when you stuff six people and a plastic cut out in a van and head to GlassBuild via the desert? A seriously memorable time and an audio disaster.

First, the good: the van trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas was something else—fun people and interesting sights made for a great day. Major props to Casey Anderson of ICD for being the ring leader and then hanging with Danny Estrada of CRL, Kendal Rowe of Rowe Fenestration, Carl Christ of DFI, a very stiff Patrick Elmore of Infinite Recycled Technologies (he was unable to attend, so his plastic cutout did) and Andrew Haring of NGA was awesome.

If you are on any social media, you’ve probably seen the exploits of the trip by now—if not, check it out!

The bad was, I did a podcast with folks in the van and somehow two of the interviews of the four had unusable audio. I have no idea what happened and am seriously bummed because it was great content from Danny and Casey that you missed. I will make I up to both and in the meantime please check out their booths at GlassBuild!

I did get an interview with Kendal in the Van, and pre-taped with Carl and Patrick, along with a bonus of Casey interviewing me, so that is still worth a listen—some neat ground covered both professionally and personally. Thank you for giving it whirl!

Van to GlassBuild 2022

The sponsored Van to GlassBuild special podcast with Kendal Rowe, Patrick Elmore and Carl Christ. Listen here or open on Buzzsprout.


Obviously, this leads into a massive week. GlassBuild is here. Finally. I am so excited to visit with people and also learn about all of the new products and services available in our world. This is going to be great run! If you are at the show, please stop me to say hi! I may look harried and rushed, but I think I always look that way. Lol. Next week I’ll have my usual breakdown on who and what I saw, and we’ll see how many great names I can drop! 


New Roles for Brad Boone and Matt Verderamo

Nice news on a couple good industry guys… first up Brad Boone taking on the role of sales director of advanced glazings and architectural government sales liaison for Vitro. Brad is a great guy and someone who has a sincere passion for our space that I really respect. In this position, he will truly advance products (like VIG) that are incredibly important for our world. 

And congrats also to Matt Verderamo, who is now the vice president of preconstruction & sales at Alliance Exterior Construction. I met Matt over a year ago and he’s been nothing short of a dynamo, rocking and rolling through our world and gaining knowledge and network along the way. Genuinely good man too. Happy for both guys and props to both Vitro and Alliance Exterior Construction for making these smart moves.

Bruno Biasiotta Now CEO at Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope

There was movement at the top of Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope that I missed mentioning last week with the naming of Bruno Biasiotta as chief executive officer. Obviously, this is a huge position atop the biggest player in that space. My hope, as I always say in moves like this, is that the new management takes to our industry and looks to be supportive and active in events like GlassBuild and the various conferences. The support there is always crucial and appreciated. Welcome to our world Bruno!

Going to the Altar…

Last this week…That big deal I mentioned a few weeks ago is worse than the movie “The Runaway Bride” —my gosh I keep hearing about being to the altar so many times without the wedding happening, it’s making me crazy. Almost starting to wonder if I’m getting punked…but If I am the amount of people in on it is pretty impressive. Anyway, I still think a deal is coming down the pike sooner than later…

Read on for links of the week…


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.