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Are We Getting Back to the Office?

The industry may be heading back to in-person

Back at it after the holiday and what else also may be back? People coming into the office! Yes, you have heard it before, more than a few false starts in the last 18 months, but recently Kastle Systems, a major player in the swipe card area and they track the office data closely, reported that offices in New York City crossed the 50% occupancy threshold last week for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic. Obviously a long way to go but it is a step forward. I’ll have more on this next week as a few more stories are breaking on this, but the reason why I find this important is as an industry we have been counting on more office renewal and in the future continued office build outs. The slow return had hampered that and really was taking a toll in major cities like NYC. So baby steps, big time, still a long journey, but we’ll take it as a win. 


Super Sky-PGP partnership 

I mention often when I see great collaborations in process and another one was formed recently with Super Sky Products bringing on PGP in Texas as their reps there. That is a powerhouse match, and I am pumped for all parties involved. Obviously, I am huge Brian Thomas / Super Sky fan and love the connection with Kyle Jones and the great team at PGP. Good stuff for sure and kudos to all!

Well-deserved recognition

Was awesome to see Joel Berman get some recognition recently. Joel received a Lifetime Achievement Award in Manufacturing from Interior Design Magazine. That was super cool and well-deserved. Joel single handedly has changed, and will continue to change, the landscape with creative usages of glass. Love that he got some props for his efforts!

Country Glass anniversary

Happy anniversary to the tremendous team at Country Glass! The folks there are celebrating their 39th year in business. I have written before how impressed I always am by Brian Risinger, Joe Lambertson and the team there, so knocking down another milestone is just another solid day at the office for them. Happy anniversary team and I look forward to many more for you folks! 

Helmets v.s. hardhats

Are things changing on the construction site for you? Specifically, are your folks going to helmets vs. hardhats?  Construct Dive had an interesting read on the move to helmets from hardhats and I am curious if we as an industry have followed that yet? Let me know. If you are wearing a helmet now the awesome Glass Beast stickers from and the OG Glass Nerd Andrew Haring still work well! 

More Kanye controversy

Got this link from the splendid Dr. Kayla Natividad of Pilkington and yet it is another reason to not be a fan of Kayne West. Evidently “Ye” does not like glass. At all. To the point that he did not put in windows in one of his schools because he hates glass. This could be good for our industry, since Kanye hates it, it sure makes it more likable for the rest of us. In all seriousness, just a bizarre take! I am hearing this story may be fake but sure tracks given the person involved. 

An interesting read

Last this week…Chuck Knickerbocker was nice enough to forward me this read about a big-time frequent flier. I thought I flew a lot but this guy takes the cake…and then some. Kudos to him for taking advantage of his moves too. Good read!

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.