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The Best... and Staying That Way

Glass Magazine Awards are out

“Glass can do everything…” that was the headline for the annual Glass Magazine Awards. When you look at the winners you realize that, indeed, it really can do everything! I loved going through the projects especially. Congrats to everyone who participated in this process as it makes our industry look great. Kudos to the winners, folks like Glass 3 Enterprises who have been involved in some amazing projects over the years getting recognition here. Also, I have been a fan of Goldray, amongst the honorees, as was Vitro, Guardian and many more. A veritable who’s who of winners. See it all HERE.


Automation & innovation

Now the tough side, to do “everything” you need the right recipe overall and that right now has been a challenge. Quality and performance have struggled from the fabrication side in many parts of the country, mostly because of labor shortages. Thus, my timely reminder that moving to automated and innovative manufacturing equipment is a must. I know it can be pricey, but it is worth the investment knowing that the labor situation is NOT going to get better. Installers have a lot of patience but the people they install for are starting to get antsy, so we need to keep on our overall efforts to perform at the highest levels. 

Lodging work resurges

I’ve talked a bit here and on my podcast on the resurgence of work in the lodging space and despite some mixed messages lately, it looks like that pipeline is holding up nicely. This piece from Building Design + Construction delivered the positive news.

People news

Congrats to a great guy and talent in our industry, Alan Kinder, on his new role at Guardian Glass. Alan is now Director, Commercial Segment and will do a tremendous job in that spot. For me, Alan made his mark during the pandemic with awesome videos on working from home and from there just took off, including always promoting great work online and delivering the tightest five minutes on bird friendly ever recorded. In any case very happy to see some added recognition and responsibility coming his way!

Also on the new gig side of things NEXT Energy Technologies promoted Brenton Taylor to CEO. NEXT is making positive in-roads on the transparent photovoltaic space that I am an unabashed fan of. I think this is an excellent move overall. From all I know and have heard, Brenton’s experience is perfect to take this company to the next level. We need strong leadership at these emerging companies and this looks like a perfect fit for sure. 

Hawaii fires

Thoughts and prayers to those affected by the fires in Hawaii. Absolutely devastating to see and the recovery is going to take a very long time. The before and after photos/video are jawdropping. Hoping for the best there.

GlassBuild 2023

Last this week, GlassBuild season is underway and it got me thinking of what was my most memorable or best event ever. Now those who have seen the comical picture of a star struck Max smiling endlessly next to Cal Ripken at the 2003 GlassBuild probably think that was it. If you haven’t seen, I am sure Andrew Haring will share it! Obviously that was a heck of a time and experience, but I’ll go with recently bias on this one.

My most memorable is just last year in Vegas. Seeing a crazy packed floor and people who hadn’t seen each other in two years or more connecting was awesome. It really hit home for me how great this industry is and how much we missed being able to get together. So with that said, let’s not ever take for granted these shows and opportunities to see each other. GlassBuild registration is open and I think it’s time to make those plans and get there. And yes I know day 1 is Halloween. So it’s good that there’s two more days of GlassBuild to visit! Make your plans now, as nothing truly can replace that chance to visit with people in person, see the materials and machines in person, and learn the latest and greatest. to do it all and if you all come I promise I’ll smile as giddily as I did back in 2003! 

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.