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Reviewing 2022

Walking through my predictions for 2022

Predictions can be tough, but each year I do them and each year I follow up to see how I fared. So, before we dig into 2023, time to take a look back at my thoughts on 2022.

Here are last year's calls and whether I won, lost, or tied:

Interior Growth this year

I believe this was a win though it depends on your area of the country. Interiors grew, no doubt, but that return to office was not nationwide and remodels still were a bit slower.  I’ll say this is a tie.

More 8mm

This one did not grow as much as I thought and so I’ll sadly take an “L” here but I think the trend remains and 8mm in the commercial setting is here to stay. 

Rough waters for some 

While we had some choppy waters, there wasn’t enough to take people under, which is great news overall and I’ll be happy to accept a bad call on this one. Still we are not out of the woods on worry, but for 2022, it did not happen, thankfully.

Code Crunch 

Did not see the code crunch, but is that because of people like the NGA Superhero team led by Urmilla Sowell? The codes we did see were smart positive ones too. I think there was a push but we have gotten so much better at understanding and adapting it did not make us crazy like efforts in the past. 

More than 1 big deal is coming

I got this one right, a few big deals this past year and I think the aftershocks from those deals affect our space this year. Not every aftershock is a bad one either, more investments, more focus, diversification etc. could all be in the offing thanks to new owners and fresh perspectives.  

Next week, the fearless prognostications for 2023!


A reminder if you missed the opening podcast to 2022, I’ll link it again below. This one turned out to be very popular on the audio download side, guessing folks like exercising to the soothing inspirational words of Tom O’Malley? Anyway, aside from Tom joining me and diving deep into the industry, I was also honored to have Arty Feles, President of CR Laurence on. He was amazing in laying down all the good CRL has happening now.

Last but certainly not least, Sam Olson of J&A Glass held court and his industry path has had people talking. Good stuff! Thanks to those who have listened/watched and if you want to catch it, you can watch it here or listen here, along with audio being on Apple, Spotify and wherever you get your podcasts from.

GCS Glass & Mirror update

Big news from recent glass industry MVP runner up Chris Phillips. It came out at the start of the year that Chris has joined forces with Brandon Nicastro and Chance Forman at GCS Glass & Mirror. GCS is an awesome organization and what Brandon and Chance have done there is incredibly impressive. Now looping in Chris and his location in California, the 5th for GCS, is another tremendous move. Chris is a great person, and I am happy for him and thrilled about this combo, congrats guys.

Personnel moves 

Also some big personnel moves and kudos needed. Two of the most talented women to run through our space have taken new major roles. Leigh Anne Mays was a superstar at Guardian Glass and after being at Masonite, she’s returned to our side of the industry with the exciting new Naverra glass fab facility in Connecticut. A great fit bringing Leigh Anne’s experience to match the product and performance of Naverra.

Former podcast guest Kelly Whittingham has signed on with Ubiquitous Energy. Huge get there by Ubiquitous as Kelly is spectacular and big time respected in the marketplace. A fresh disruptive product being pushed by someone with Kelly’s skills is a win. Congrats to all!

Looking forward to BEC

I assume you may see these folks and many many more at BEC this March! Now is the time to register as the doors are open and the link is online and ready for you. BEC is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and there’s a lot of interesting stuff planned that go beyond this being an incredible learning and networking event. So, get your trip locked in now and register here! If you are unfamiliar with BEC, feel free to ping me and I’ll give you the details. 

NFL predictions

At the start of the NFL season, I picked the Ravens to beat the Packers in the Super Bowl. Well the Packers are out and the Ravens without Lamar Jackson are not winning it. So I get a do-over right? I’m going Kansas City over Philadelphia. But I do think every Hollywood writer wants a Buffalo Bills win just because of the story that would be. We’ll see!

Glass video

Last this week, the terrific Bill Sullivan of Brin Glass, a past glass industry MVP by the way, had a great tweet with some harrowing video of folks delivering some big glass. Yikes. You can watch it on Twitter.

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.