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Thoughts Out West

Tough weather and other news

I never thought I’d be leading off a blog talking about a hurricane hitting southern California and the southwest, but here we are. Obviously sending positive thoughts to all, especially with regards to the rains and floods. When I saw the following blurb in weather blog I trust, it opened my eyes:

“The overall rainfall will exceed 12-14 Trillion gallons across the Western U.S. states including CA, NV, AZ, UT, OR, ID, MT. This will be a major event across several states in mountainous terrain. The area of 2-4” rain with isolated amounts to 12-inches will be considerable including Los Angeles, San Diego, Death Valley and Las Vegas.”

Stay safe out there my friends. 

Note: We’re also watching the updated predictions for storms on the east coast this season. Last year was a rough one and this year has started off quiet. Would really be nice to skate by with minimal action out there….


Upcoming webinar

Coming up on August 30th a big webinar via the NGA and Architectural Record. “The Power of Protective Glass” is the subject and given how critical (and popular) that category is this is truly one to check out. Plus anytime you can see the great Julie Schimmelpenningh of Eastman and Thom Zaremba present- you can’t pass that up. More info HERE!

An increase in trades

Good article from CBS on more kids picking trades over college. Would like to see this trend to keep growing. Makes me think about efforts from people like Jodi Martinez at Allstar Glass are paying off!

GBA 2023

One of the big draws at GlassBuild is hearing from Conor Lokar, the amazing economist from ITR. He is back again this year and will actually be giving a more extended presentation on the economy and outlook. He’ll be in the Main Stage area on 10/31 at 2:30, so that is one you want to do everything you can to be there for…. Among other major happenings there of course. Registration is coming along nicely and hotels are filling…so get to and stake your place if you haven’t done so yet!

More forecasts

Speaking of forecasts, the latest from the ABC was pretty positive despite the various headwinds. There’s still a major case that a slowing is coming (as expected in 2Q ’24) but for now ride this wave folks. Here’s the breakdown on the latest.

New catalog

I have noted here many times my admiration for Rob Struble of Vitro and he has done it again with a spectacular new catalog release. I know from experience doing these things are fraught with nightmares at every turn, but Rob makes it look easy. Great edition produced by him and his team and love the additions of products like VacuMax. Also really enjoy the recognition handed out to so many of the best companies in our space. Tremendous resource and congrats Rob on a job well done! Check it out here!

 Rolling Stone Top 200

Last this week… a while back Rolling Stone magazine ran a list of its Top 200 singers and it’s absolutely crazy and wrong in many spots. But it does offer up a chance to debate. A few quibbles from me: It’s a crime to have Elton John at 100 or Stevie Nicks at 93 or Johnny Cash at 85 or Steve Perry at 82. That’s just a quick smidgen of performers too low. Willie Nelson and Tina Turner in the 50’s is crazy low too. Smokey Robinson at 23 also too low for a legend like that. But I will say the top 15 isn’t that bad and at least my guy Freddy Mercury is in there along with some other serious legends. Interesting list for sure…

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.