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Under the Radar Sites and More

Sites to know and other news

So late in 2021 I went in search of some of the best “under the radar” websites in our industry and came up with a bunch led by a great one from the team at Minneapolis Glass. This year I once again went on the deep dive through the web to recognize more deserving folks in our space. My simple parameters were websites that looked different than the norm, were exciting and interesting, still easy to navigate and from companies that aren’t usually in the news in our industry. So here we go…

#5 Lockheed Architectural Solutions – From the opening video to the additional layout throughout the site this one delivered!

#4 Galaxy Glass & Stone-  These guys may not be very under the radar, but I do love and have always loved this website.  Very bold and impressive at every turn loaded with imagery. 

#3 Momentum Glass- The logo animation placed against a stunning blue building with a perfect blue sky was great and then everything flowed from there.  Also liked seeing the pictures of team on the front page!

#2 Bruce Wall-  From a tech standpoint this site is unlike anything else out there.  Use of color and design are something else- disruptive and interesting.  I am sure some may not like, but this one stands out to me.

#1 Black Line Glazing-  From the cool “loading” screen to the video that pops the moment the home page hits, this is a winner.  Love the layout and colors and site flows well.  It’s a bold and impressive site without being overdone.

Again, I am sure I missed many, that’s why I’ll keep doing this yearly to call more attention those who deserve it. As for the five above, congrats to you all for work well done and representing what you do and what our industry does so well!


Glass Magazine

The latest Glass Magazine review, it’s the awesome annual Top Fabricator issue and it’s loaded with so much data and insight. Just a must read from start to finish. Aside from the Top Fab info, strong pieces from Spencer Raymond, Amy Roberts, and Joe Erb were excellent reads. I really just enjoyed the cross section of topics throughout and this issue got me up to date and thinking next steps, love it.  

Ad of the month

The ad of the month, never ever easy to award any more, but I must make the tough calls and this month this award goes to Dow for their “railing” ad. The picture is a page stopper and then the layout even with more text than I normally prefer really worked and had me engaged. So congrats to whomever the marketing mind at Dow is for this one, since I don’t know that person/group, I’ll just give kudos to Jon Kimberlain and Stanley Yee for a job well done!

I will say the MyGlassClass ad is awesome and deserves props too! Love that design!

Econ news

Mixed bag of econ news this week. The Dodge Momentum Index was down and there really is a negative flow and tone to the report- so that wasn’t very good. On the flipside, crane count in Q1 was at an all-time high! So there is work out there but that darker cloud is in linger mode. The next Architectural Billings Index is due this Wednesday and given the bank turmoil and interest rates I am expecting it to be low, possibly scary low. But as always, let’s hope I am wrong.

Hurricane season

Hurricane Season predictions are out and thankfully the call is for a lighter season. Let’s hope so. We need a clean and easy season to get things back on track in so many areas. The weather disruptions as a whole from the horrendous snow out west, the deadly tornadoes throughout the center of the country and the flood like rains in south Florida have been enough trouble, so let’s maybe go easy on the hurricane activity.

National Volunteer Week

Last this week, it is National Volunteer Week and a sincere thank you to everyone who donates their time, knowledge, and care to our industry. You make us a great industry and it’s the best to be around all of you at various meetings and events. Thank you for the support and betterment of our world!   

Links of the week


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.