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Year End Pod and 2023 MVP!

This year's Glass Industry MVP and Runners-Up

The last scheduled post of the year is here! Lots to cover. First up, my annual one on one year end interview is with John Dwyer of Syracuse Glass; now a part of the Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope family.

John has had a heck of a run, especially in the last five years. We covered that and so much more. There’s no doubt in my mind that John has been one of the most successful operators we’ve ever had in this industry, and it was great to just chop it up with him. We dropped a lot of names too, it was fun and lots of ground covered that is for sure. Thank you to Michael Kovacs who suggested I have John on the pod too. So please check it out! 

Watch on YouTube here, listen here, as well as by searching “From the Fabricator” on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

Ok… on to the annual awarding of my Glass Industry MVP

Since 2013 I have awarded this to the person, duo, or company that I thought made a major impact in our space. Maybe they were active at the trade level, maybe through social and marketing, or maybe at the architect, code, or product side. I traditionally name an MVP and then a few runners up (see last week’s post for previous) and this year will be no different.

Before I get to it, just a note. There’s two people who deserve a mention and all platitudes that they can get. My brother Steve Perilstein and Andrew Haring. Both are massively crucial. Without brother Steve, innovations and approaches that are now standard in the industry don’t happen, at least as quick, and I’m probably anchoring the nightly sports in Waterloo, Iowa. So he’s also to blame then for me too- LOL. I’m grateful he offered me $6.50 per hour in 1991 to join this crazy world. 

And as for Andrew, he is the ultimate all time MVP. The OG Glass Nerd has done more to raise our profile worldwide than anyone imaginable. Whether it's Germany or England or South America or anywhere in North America, Andrew never fails to deliver the goods. And note, he’s more than just a pretty sales/marketing face, his technical and design skills are scary good. It’s an honor to work with and learn from him. 

So for 2023 let’s go! First the Runners Up…

Matt Day

This is a guy who truly does live and breathe our industry. He, like me for some folks, is not everyone’s flavor, but there is absolutely no denying that Matt puts the industry on his back and does all he can to promote it. His documentary that is in the works is amazing, his push for the yearly Glazier Nation awards and Hall of Fame incredible, and his drive to achieve more for our space is truly appreciated. He has put time and resources into these efforts that many would scoff at- but end of the day his care is genuine.

Tyler Faulk and Brandon Bellegarde

These two guys came out of nowhere to positively affect so many in our space and also deliver new and important ways to get things done. They’re also unselfish and dedicated to the cause, often putting others ahead of themselves which is impressive. So between developing an efficient resource that many use and being active ambassadors for our industry (best GlassBuild promo of the year) these guys deserve the recognition. Oh and did you know they both have glorious beards? That is not mentioned enough…

Jennifer Lang

This one I give credit to my brother for recognizing years ago. He always said Jennifer was incredibly sharp and one of the best out there, but I had no interaction with her or her company. Then a few years ago, while researching “best under the radar” websites for my blog, I came across her amazing site for Minneapolis Glass. Soon after Steve introduced her to me and I had her on my podcast and then I started to see her everywhere. She jumped into some of the Women in Glass and Fenestration events and began mentoring some of the up-and-coming women in our space. Plus, she’s got her company really rocking now with a move to a new state of the art HQ. So suffice to say a great 2023 for Jennifer, she brings a ton to the table, and we’re lucky she’s in our industry!

Now to the MVP

2023 goes to Ron Crowl.

A theme of everyone who usually makes my list is being unselfish and Ron owns that role. He’s given of himself and his company for years and this coming year he’ll rule the volunteer roost as Chair at the NGA. But even before that Ron is always active in all facets of our industry. From shows, to education, to promotion, you ask him for support and he never says no. He’s developed amazing products that many use, including my pod guest John Dwyer who was an early adopter, and he’s put the industry first in so many instances that many businesspeople would not. He’s also built a great culture and team that represents our industry extremely well. Class act always, super friendly, and seriously deserving of a Browns Super Bowl run…. But in case that doesn’t happen this year I am sure this MVP will be just as good.

Bottom line though is a guy like Ron could’ve sold his company and hit the beach. Instead he’s gotten even more committed to our causes and more determined to help us all grow and be the best we can be. Ron fits that previous list of MVP’s well and I am honored that through NGA I’ve gotten to work with him and learn along the way. Congrats!

So there you go… 2023’s honorees are in the book. What a year eh? And we’ve got an interesting one to come with some serious unknowns ahead. So buckle up. I’ll be back week of January 7th with prediction reviews, new predictions for 2024, more podcasts and all the other fun and adventures you see in this space weekly.

Thanks to each and every one of you who read and comment and listen and watch. The traffic this year was absolutely stunning, especially audio podcast wise, and I am extremely grateful. I love this industry and so many people in it and it truly is mind numbing to work and converse with so many of you. So here’s to a great holiday season and a happy and healthy 2024!


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.