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2024 Predictions- Take 2

More predictions for the year ahead

It's funny I have been writing this blog since 2005 and for the first time ever, I wrote it all and then deleted it, and cleared the trash too, hurriedly because I am a putz, by accident. So hopefully this version will work, but as I sit down to rewrite, I swear my mind is blank. Yikes. Ok, so here goes. 

Predictions for 2024! 

Rates- Obviously this is something that everyone is watching in every walk of life and how these are handled in the new year will play a role downstream on how our livelihood progresses. Rates on top of other issues, including a slower return to work, are a massive concern for 2024 and beyond. My prediction? Cuts will come but on the later side of things, causing very choppy waters and slowing conditions, especially in the bigger markets. See this one in NYC. Which leads to the next prediction…

Look out!- If you are not ready for some of these tougher times by now, then time is running out and there is no PPP parachute waiting on the other side. Preparing doesn’t mean battening down the hatches but to be smart with your spends, strategic with your sales and marketing and open to wholesale communication up and down the chain. A lot of great companies are doing this and will be fine, but many are not and those may not see 2025.

Security glass but with a twist- Amazingly I have predicted big years for this product segment in both 2019 and 2021. However, this time it’s different because it’s not just the typical offerings that is making waves but new make-ups, approaches, and options. The security side is getting very creative and is very active in making better and more usable products in an area that keeps growing. If codes continue to push this way, those that are active will be leading the way.

Training and Certification- Organizations are realizing this is where you can improve your bottom line and now with more options than ever, I see this space exploding in 2024. I look at the incredible work that the brilliant Jeff Dalaba and Ben Beeler of NACC/AGMT are doing and the way they are improving companies and skills day by day. Then add on the National Glass Association and their new MyGlassFab along with the expanded MyGlassClass and Apprenticeship programs and you now have more paths to success and improvement. These areas are all poised for massive growth in the new year.

Culture and Tech helping the labor pool- This is my favorite prediction. We know we need to get more people attracted to our world and many companies are getting it by really focusing on their culture. But another aspect is attracting folks with the advancements in equipment, robotics, manipulators, movers, software and more. We have to keep working past the days of back, and shoulder and knee, breaking work and dive into smarter and more efficient ways to install, move, and manage our products. That will take a leap this year thanks to many companies bringing these needed products and services to life!

So there ya go…I am staying positive that as a whole we’ll ride out the storms in ’24…We’ll keep an eye on it all… 


Latest pod

Reminder on Pod, if you missed the latest edition of the From the Fabricator podcast, please check it out. Thrilled to have the whip smart duo of Sterling Guyette and Luke Jacques of Insulite Glass on followed by the awesome Stefanie Couch of Build Women.  All three brought insights on a range of issues and bring a youthful enthusiasm we so desperately need. Thanks for listening/watching.

Watch now on YouTube, or listen here, as well as on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Thanks again for checking it out!

Glass Expo Southeast

Later this week, I get to escape the misery of winter and go to Orlando for Glass Expo Southeast. I enjoyed this show two years ago and fully expect to do the same this time. A lot of familiar people I am hoping to see including friends like Michele and Scott Welch of Illustrated Interiors, tremendous on the Shop Drawings by the way, great pals Jeff Ziesche of Jaz Sales and FHC among others and hopefully Tony Kasprzak of Seawall Architectural. He’ll be busy all over. And of course, I can’t do a show in Orlando without seeing the busiest man in show business Scott Goodman of CRL. That’s his hometown and he’ll surely be holding court. Looking forward to it all!  And yes, I may even drive to the closest Buc-ee’s in Daytona just because I’m close. LOL.

Walker Glass news

Big deal in our industry featuring great people at Walker Glass and Gardner Glass. Ironbridge Equity which has controlling interest in Walker now has done the same with Gardner. Nice combo of groups featuring some of the best folks in our space. Happy for Randy Brooks, Jim Ventre and the gang at Gardner and the team at Walker not only dress well and throw a great party, but they are seriously strong operators too. Good stuff and congrats to all! 

K-Space event

As always, it's nice when people in our space get recognition from those in power and that happened to the fine folks at K-Space recently. They received a visit and provided a tour for Congresswomen Debbie Dingell of Michigan and showed her a ton of great tech that not only helps the quality of glass in our industry but is crucial in other building product spaces too. Very cool to see. Congrats to K-Space for showing off and making us all look good!

Building Merit Top 10

Last this week…the Building Merit Top 10 was released and the state of Georgia led the way for the first time. This is a ranking by states for which one is best for construction according to the ABC. The scorecard, released yearly since 2015, ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on policies and programs that strengthen career pathways in construction, encourage workforce development, and advocate for fair and open competition on taxpayer-funded construction projects. Georgia stood out because of their commitment to workforce development and nailed the other requirements too. 

The rest of the top 5 were Florida, Arkansas, Wisconsin and Indiana. Really stunned that South and North Carolina were not in there. Still an interesting top 5. Does Arkansas make top 5 without Courtney Little though? Doubtful.

Meanwhile who’s at the bottom? Hawaii, Rhode Island, New York, D.C., and Washington state. Hawaii has unique challenges for sure, Rhode Island has had various political adventures. New York and D.C. have probably way too much red tape and I just laugh at Washington state because every nightmarish code seems to emanate from there. We’ll need Brad Glauser of Edify Studios to weigh in on that. Interesting list and curious to follow it in the future. 


Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein

Max Perilstein is founder of Sole Source Consultants, a consulting firm for the building products industry that specializes in marketing, branding, communication strategy and overall reputation management, as well as website and social media, and codes and specifications. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.