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What’s New in Social Media

It’s time once again for a social media news roundup! Here is a summary of the biggest moves being made in the social media world this summer, and how they could impact your business.


The image-sharing platform has long tried to make it easy for users to toggle back and forth between accounts. But now, Instagram is simplifying things even more for those with multiple accounts by allowing them to connect them all and use one login for all those accounts with the same password. This means, no more setting up new email addresses for additional Instagram accounts! This is great news for social media managers at companies that manage accounts for different divisions or regions.


If you have noticed more-spammy-than-usual ads on Twitter, you can blame a test the company has been running in some users’ timelines. Twitter is showing more ads to users to boost ad revenue, but its targeting seems to be off. Plus, users have reported a spike in offensive or junky ads, including ones promoting gambling—which is against the user agreement for ad sales. If your company is running a Twitter ad campaign, consider holding off further ones until this gets worked out.


LinkedIn has been acquiring companies lately, including one called Drawbridge. Drawbridge, according to Crunchbase, “helps companies better understand their customers using machine learning. It addresses user-focused issues like customer experience, digital security, and risk detection.” LinkedIn seeks to use these to their advantage by better targeting professionals on LinkedIn with opportunities. If you manage your company’s LinkedIn page, maybe this development will work to improve LinkedIn’s targeting to drive traffic to your online presence.


Some big changes could be coming to the social media giant—a redesign is coming over the next few years, making Facebook more family and friend-focused, and less business-centric. This could mean the audience your company enjoys reaching may become less accessible down the road. According to Social Media Today, to stay in front of Facebook users’ faces, you might consider starting a company “group” rather than maintaining just a company page.

Meryl Williams is the Communications Coordinator for AAMA. She produces national and regional newsletters, writes editorial content and helps lead AAMA’s social media outreach, including the Socially Speaking blog. She has seven years of professional communications experience in both journalism and public relations. 

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Glass Association, Glass Magazine editors, or other glassblog contributors. 


Meryl Williams Clark

Meryl Williams Clark

Meryl Williams Clark has been FGIA’s Communications Coordinator for seven years. She manages FGIA’s social media presence, including @FGIAonline and @fgia_online, among other marketing duties. She can be reached at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Glass Magazine.